The Virgo woman and Pisces man compatibility rate is not high. Here we have two zodiac signs that are located in opposite places of the zodiacal circle. Besides that, they represent different elements, which endowed them with some characteristics that don’t compliment each other very well. They have different characteristics, different lifestyles, and different attitudes to money and feelings. So their love and marriage seem to be complicated. But are they incompatible? Oh, of course, no!
It is just hard for them to learn to leave with each other. It will take so much time, it will take many nerves and strength, but if they feel love, their relationships will be harmonious. The Pisces man gives the Virgo man romantics, stability, and teaches her to take life easily. He easily tears off the mask of stiffness and coldness from the impregnable Virgo, revealing her tender and passionate side.

The Pisces man is a dreamer and romantic. In general, this trait is special for the zodiac signs that represent the element of the water. This man tends to doubt the rightness of choosing. Those doubts sometimes make him do a wrong decision. But at the same time, this man is self-confident. He is sensual, impressive, strives for comfort and stability. He is also contradictory and can be fickle. This man is also a good psychologist.
The Virgo woman can be restrained at the first glance, and due to this many men think that she is so closed. So the rate of any compatibility with her, if it is started at a young age, is not so high. But in the Virgo woman and Pisces man compatibility, this is not a problem, as we have already mentioned, that this man is a good psychologist. This woman is also shy, but with close friends, she is very open and funny. The Virgo woman is very smart, graceful, and practical. She tries not to give in to feelings and avoid mistakes. She is self-criticizing and demanding.
The Virgo woman and Pisces man compatibility has many advantages. For example, it is very interesting for them to be together, to fall in love with each other, to discover their partner in marriage, etc. Holidays and traveling together make their lives a true fairy tale. Only when Virgo and Pisces accept each other with their shortcomings and disadvantages, their love and marriage will become harmonious, there will come mutual understanding.
The first advantage in the Virgo woman and Pisces man compatibility is the exchange of experience, philosophy, and lifestyle. Only strong feelings can make the Virgo woman close her eyes on the inertia and laziness of a man, and a Pisces man – on the teachings and criticism of a woman. They have what to give each other: the man makes Virgo’s life calmer and easier, teaches her to value the moment and enjoy it, and in turn, the Virgo woman is busy planning the life of this couple and brings material stability.
Between Virgo and Pisces, there is an attraction. Sometimes both can’t explain why despite all the quarrels, misunderstandings, and differences, they are together. It helps in conflictual situations, and in breakups, but only if each one in this pair draws conclusions, and tries to not repeat the mistakes. So the rate of the Virgo woman and Pisces man compatibility is up to 75%. If they try to keep their love or marriage, they can.