All 12 Zodiac Signs differ in personality, temperaments and every zodiac star sign has its own strengths and weaknesses. So let’s find out the purpose of our site in a few words. Everyone and everything has a philosophy. We are sure that astrology is an exact science and it allows us to learn a lot about a person just by the date of birth. It sounds incredible, but it is essentially a fact. So what is the philosophy of our site – we all have the right to know about our shortcomings and correct them because we deserve a better life and we simply have to strive for this. We all have good and bad traits, and if you know well about these traits, you can control them.
Millions of different polls(surveys) have proven that there is a certain pattern and the characteristics of the zodiac signs are highly accurate, almost 80% – 90%. It is safe to say that astrology knows more about us than we ourselves. On our site there are characteristics of all 12 zodiac signs, you can check them and you will see for yourself.
We are sure that after you have read the characteristics of your sign, you will agree that in many ways the characteristics converge, and moreover, it is a detailed characterization of your personality. Over time, people change, which is why in some cases the characteristic does not match. But we advise you to remember your past and you will find a lot in common with the characteristics of your sign.
The signs of the Zodiac are 30-degree sections of the ecliptic, and the countdown of the signs of the Zodiac by months begins from the spring equinox (March 20-21) in the direction of the Sun. The Sun stays in each sign of the zodiac for about a month and changes into another sign around the twentieth of each month (sometimes on the 21st or 22nd of the month).

Sometimes people confuse the signs of the zodiac with the zodiac constellations. However, the signs of the zodiac and the zodiac constellations are different things. Zodiac signs are 12 equal parts into which the ecliptic belt is divided. At the same time, there are 13 zodiac constellations, the thirteenth is the constellation Ophiuchus. That’s why there isn’t a Zodiac Sign named Ophiuchus. The Zodiac signs got their names from the constellations closest to them.
The 12 signs of the zodiac are divided into 4 elements: Fire, Air, Earth, and Water. Each of these elements leaves its mark on the characteristics of the signs. The element of the sign also says a lot.
12 Zodiac Signs Personality
As we have already noted, each zodiac sign is a personality and each sign has its own character. On our website, you will find detailed information about the nature of your sign. We have described the characteristic traits of all signs in as much detail as possible. This will help you refine your strengths and eliminate weaknesses. Let’s talk a little about each sign’s personality. At the end of each paragraph, you can click on the provided link and navigate to the page where you will find detailed information about your sign.
Aries: The first word that comes to our mind when we are talking about Aries characteristic traits is leadership. They were born with this quality, so in this life, they definitely need to develop this quality, otherwise, they may have problems. You can check more about Aries here – Aries Personality.
Taurus: The Taurus is the most stubborn sign and it is a fact. If you have a Taurus friend, then you already know about this character trait of your friend. At the same time, this sign is a good counselor, so you can take his advice. Check more about this sign – Taurus Personality.
Gemini: Controversial is the best word that describes Gemini. They have two sides and no one knows what side they will show in different situations. It is normal because Gemini doesn’t know it as well. You can check detailed information about this sign on this page – Gemini Personality.
Cancer: Calmness is the most pronounced character trait of this sign. In addition, he is calm not only in appearance. Cancer has great inner peace. This is a positive character trait, but it is a trait that needs and should be developed. Read more about this sign – Cancer Personality.
Leo: Ambition is the best word that characterizes this sign. Leos are very ambitious and this helps them in their careers and personal lives. They are also very welcoming. In addition, Leos are almost always lucky. More about this sign’s character traits – Leo Personality.
Virgo: Timetable and schedule are the best two words that describe this sign. It’s very important for Virgo to see everything in its place, moreover, they live in this way. This is a good character trait, but they need to understand that not everything in life can be done on a schedule. More about this sign’s personality – Virgo Personality.
Libra: Artistizm and charm are words that characterize Libra. Their attractiveness helps a lot in their career and personal life. Libras easily adapt to new circumstances and this makes their life easier. This character helps them everywhere. If you want to know more about this sign then check this page – Libra Personality.
Scorpio: This sign is considered the most maximalist sign of the zodiacal circle. This is not a bad character trait, but they need to control it, otherwise, they may have some troubles. Scorpio is very ambitious, like Leo, but they are not so lucky. Check more about Scorpio here – Scorpio Personality.
Sagittarius: Impulsive behavior is an indistinguishable character trait in Sagittarius. In many cases, they say something and then think. This is not so bad character trait, but if you do not control it, then troubles in your personal life and in your career cannot be avoided. Here you can check more about this sign – Sagittarius Personality.
Capricorn: If we would like to use one word, that can describe this sign the best way then it is self-improvement. They work hard and strive to achieve something significant in this life. This is one of the most ambitious signs among the 12 zodiac signs. You can read more about this sign here – Capricorn Personality.
Aquarius: Aquarius love changes. They can easily change their job or workplace several times in a year. And it’s normal for them. Also, they can change their place of residence without any regrets. For them, a home is just a place of residence and nothing more. More about this sign – Aquarius Personality.
Pisces: The two words that describe this sign very well are generous and justice. For them there are no rich or poor people, for them, there is one perception of this world – all people are equal. Moreover, not only people, but all creatures on our planet are equal. This is the kindest sign of the Zodiac. Check more about this sign – Pisces Personality.
Best Matches for Zodiac Signs
Each of the twelve zodiac signs has its best match. There are also unfavorable matches, so before choosing a partner for yourself in this life, we advise you to learn more about the compatibility of the zodiac signs. You can check all possible compatibilities of the zodiac signs on this page – Zodiac Signs Compatibility Chart.

Now let’s check out the best matches for each sign:
The best match for Aries sign is Leo. Aries can create a good relationship with Gemini and Sagittarius as well. Aries has the worst compatibility with Cancer, so we do not advise people with these two signs to build any serious relationship. You can find out more on this page – Aries Best Match.
The most compatible sign for Taurus is Cancer. They have an amazing relationship. Taurus also can create a good relationship with Scorpio, Virgo, and Libra. For Taurus, the worst partner is Sagittarius. Thus, both of these signs should avoid this connection. Read more on this page – Taurus Best Match.
The Gemini best match is Libra. They understand each other perfectly. Also, Gemini can create a good relationship with Aquarius and Gemini. The worst matches for Gemini are Scorpio and Pisces. Find out more on this page – Gemini Best Match.
Next comes Cancer. This sign can create a nice relationship with Pisces. They love each other, and this love is clear as water and hotter than the sun. Cancer is also compatible with Leo, Scorpio, and Virgo. The worst match for Cancer is Aquarius. Want to know more, check this page – Cancer Best Match.
Leo can create a harmonic and nice family with Aries. It is the most compatible sign for Leo. Leo also has a good match with Sagittarius. The worst matches for Leo are Capricorn and Virgo. Read more on this page – Leo Best Match.
Virgo is the next of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The best match for this sign is Capricorn. They get along very well with each other, and it is a fact. Virgo is also compatible with Pisces and Taurus. Aquarius is the worst match for Virgo. You can check more details on this page – Virgo Best Match.
There is no doubt, Libra’s best match is Gemini. Libra can make a good relationship with Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius as well. The worst match for Libra is Scorpio. They should avoid each other. Read more about the Libra compatibility here – Libra Best Match.
The next sign is Scorpio. The best match for this sign is Pisces. They are a good couple and can create a good and strong family. Scorpio can make a good relationship with Cancer as well. The worst match for the eighth sign of the zodiac is Gemini. Read more – Scorpio Best Match.
The most compatible sign for Sagittarius is Aries. Another sign that can create a harmonious relationship with Sagittarius is Leo. The signs that fail to create a good relationship with Sagittarius are Taurus and Virgo. Find out more about Sagittarius comparability on this page – Sagittarius Best Match.
Definitely, the Capricorn best match is Taurus. Another auspicious sign for Capricorn is the Virgo. Aries is the worst match for Capricorn. You can check out detailed information about Capricorn love matches on this page – Capricorn Best Match.
The best pair for the penultimate zodiac sign is Aries. Aquarius can create a good relationship with Gemini and Libra as well. The least compatible sign for Aquarius is Pisces. They have a weak relationship. Check more – Aquarius Best Match.
The best pair for Pisces is Cancer. They have a good relationship and can be an example of a harmonious family. Other compatible signs of Pisces are Scorpio and Pisces. The least compatible sign for Pisces is Gemini. They should definitely avoid each other. Read more – Pisces Best Match.
You can also check the detailed compatibility information for each zodiac sign and find out more. We’ve created compatibility charts and percentage tables for each sign, so you can easily find the right match for your zodiac sign.
A Map of the Heavens
The zodiac is like a grid or measuring instrument, which has been created to observe, follow and position celestial movements occurring around the earth. The twelve segments of the zodiac are divided into groups of three inside each of the four seasons of the year. By precisely positioning the planets and the stars it is, therefore, possible to locate a unique moment in time in a forever moving sky. In the same way as a photograph of the sky can be taken, a map of the heavens can be drawn by an astrologer at any given time.
However, as the zodiac is represented by a perfect 360-degree circle(as we already mentioned, it is divided into 12 zodiac signs), the result is a panoramic vision of the sky. In other words, this means that you have to take into account, not only the part of the sky you can see with the naked eye or through a telescope but also the part situated on the other side of the earth, which, of course, you cannot see. When drawing a map of the heavens through the zodiac, the astrologer is acting as if he had eyes in the back of his head!
What is the Zodiac for?
Our forebears imagined the zodiac by observing the sky and the clockwork movements of celestial bodies. In their view, the zodiac was a band between the Earth and the Sun. Inside this band, other bodies were spinning.
Thanks to this inspired invention, they could not only observe the rotation of the planets and stars but could also measure their movements. It could be said that the zodiac made them the masters, not of the sky, but of all its movements, whether or not these were visible with the naked eye. With the help of the zodiac, they were able to ‘foresee’ the arrival of any heavenly body, at a specific time of the year and in a specific area of the sky.
They could anticipate the celestial movements and the regularity of those movements. These movements stayed relatively perfect and constant through the centuries and what early astrologers had observed, measured, and coded at a given time, could still be verified one, two, or three centuries later. Today, some celestial phenomena observed at least five thousand years ago, can still be confirmed!
Early astrologers began to foresee events by observing the appearance of a star or planet in a segment of the sky and zodiac and then linking this appearance to events that occurred in nature and their environment. Eventually, they realized that people born during a period when planets were in a certain position in the zodiac shared some of the same characteristics.