Zodiac Signs and Flowers: Birth Flowers of Each Sign
Each sign of the zodiac is associated with a particular flower. In this article, we will find out the connection between zodiac signs and flowers. Each flower has its own scent, virtues, and medicinal properties. Come into the zodiacal garden!
As the twelve zodiac signs are set out to follow the regular cycle of seasons, there are naturally many similarities between each sign and the elements of nature. This means that certain stones, plants, flowers, trees, fruit and animals are in harmony with each zodiac sign. However, this is not always directly linked to the season or the time of the year during which such and such a natural phenomenon appears, but it corresponds to the fundamental characteristics of the sign in question.

With regard to plants and flowers, for example, it is clear that if you used only their different stages of germination, blossoming and flowering, then most of them would correspond to the spring and summer signs, a few with the autumn signs and very few with the winter signs. Some flowers which blossom in spring or summer have long been associated with the signs of Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces, on account of their features, their appearance or their medicinal properties which have been known since the dawn of time. So as you see, the connection of zodiac signs and flowers is not always logical.
Indeed, the virtues of plants and flowers, the concoctions, potions, elixirs, love potions, oils and medicinal remedies prepared from the elements found in the garden of nature, were known to the people of ancient times and were commonly used all over the world. It is from such traditional criteria that this zodiac of flowers is drawn up. Use it to discover some of the flowers associated with your birth sign – they might lead you to improve your wellbeing and to brighten up your daily life, because, according to a Japanese proverb, “yesterday’s flowers are today’s dreams”.
Aries Birth Flower
Heather – is the Aries birth flower. This flower is associated with this sign – it’s bushy vigorous, hardy and ornamental at the same time. It is known for its antiseptic and diuretic medicinal properties, useful in treating urinary tract infections. Heather is also associated with the sign of Scorpio.

Camomile – is a well-known treatment for soothing stress-related migraines which so often affect those born under this sign.
Daisy – originates from an oriental name meaning ‘rare pearl’, and symbolises the kind of anxious, impatient and exclusive love often experienced by those born under the sign of Aries. Continue to talk about zodiac signs and flowers, now let’s check the next sign birth flowers.
Taurus Birth Flower
Gentian – is the Taurus birth flower. This flower is associated with Taurus because of its slow flowering and its longevity. Indeed, the yellow gentian can live for up to 50 years. In ancient times, its roots were used in love rituals to encourage reciprocal affection and to stimulate sensuality.

White or purple lilac – of Persian origin, this is the supreme flower of love. In the same way, as the swallow is a forerunner of spring, the flowering lilac announces the season for love, dedicated to Venus, the ruling planet of this sign.
Lily of the valley – was also used in love spells, hence the French custom of offering it to loved ones on the 1st of May. It also helps to stimulate the intellectual faculties and the curiosity of Taureans who are often slow and traditional thinkers.
Gemini Birth Flower
Lavender – is the Gemini birth flower. This flower symbolises the fulfilment of wishes and dreams of love. Its scent has a soothing effect of the mental agitation common to those born under this sign, it is often used to help those who have difficulty getting to sleep.

Narcissus – has a powerful heady fragrance that can make you feel quite dreamy. It has medicinal properties recommended for asthma and nervous disorders, often experienced by Geminis.
Peony – is associated with this sign due to the beautiful colour of some varieties. It also has soothing properties which are beneficial to people suffering from nervous disorders.
Cancer Birth Flower
Honeysuckle – is the Cancer birth flower. Like those born under the sign of Cancer, honeysuckle will only flourish in a suitable, and peaceful place. It has always symbolised nostalgia – an idealised way of looking at the past.

Iris – the flower of immortality is dear to the heart of those born under this sign, who often yearn for time to stop. Its properties stimulate and encourage inspiration and creative imagination.
St. John’s wort – nicknamed ‘herb of the fairies’, protects against the demons of anguish, against melancholy and harmful brooding, which can affect those born under this sign Cancer. It calms the soul and fortifies the mind. Zodiac signs and flowers have a close connection, and it’s a fact, so try to surround yourself with the flowers of your sign.
Leo Birth Flower
Lily – is the Leo birth flower. The flower of gods and kings, of divine power. It is also the flower of love and is associated with a flawless complexion. The lily is a sacred flower, worthy of those born under this sign.

Lotus – the lushness of the lotus and its abundance of seeds symbolises wealth and prosperity, unconditional love and perfect happiness, The lotus is believed to moderate pride in a person’s behaviour and to calm quiet confidence.
Sunflower – as its name indicates, this flower turns towards the Sun. Its shape and appearance are reminiscent of the ruling planet of Leo.
Virgo Birth Flower
Buttercup – is the Virgo birth flower. This pretty little flower has a self-confident appearance and it gives a boost to those born under the sign of Virgo who tends to doubt and underestimate themselves.

Chicory – helps those born under this sign with the depressive moods they can be prone to and stimulates their digestive system.
Foxglove – nicknamed the ‘Virgin’s finger’ since legend has it that Mary used it to treat a wound to her thumb. This flower is believed to protect wellbeing and health. Virgoans consider these matters very important.
Libra Birth Flower
Dahlia – is the Libra birth flower. This flower is associated with the sign of Libra because it is a beautiful, very symmetrical flower with a subtle fragrance. This appearance echoes the importance of those born under this sign attached to looks, shape and standards.

Rose – this queen of flowers, with its strong and intoxicating fragrance, is the symbol of perfect, eternal love. The rose is a beautiful, fragile, delicate, precious and refined flower; qualities which fit in well with the sign of Libra.
Violet – these flowers used to grow amongst the roses and hyacinths in the garden where Hades-Pluto kept Persephone captive. They were used to make love potions in ancient times and they are associated with the gentleness, the exquisite charm, the need for harmony and the delicacy common to those born under this sign.
Scorpio Birth Flower
Chrysanthemum – is the Scorpio birth flower. The name means literally ‘golden flower’; it symbolises plenitude, perfection and immortality, and flowers during the period that corresponds with the sign of Scorpio. Nicknamed the flower of All Saints’Day, it is the symbol of eternal life.

Orchid – the orchid is regarded as the flower of love and sensuality. It is associated with the reproductive organs which are in turn closely connected to the sign of Scorpio. In the Middle Ages, concoctions made from the roots of its flowers were used as an aphrodisiac.
Poppy – this flower has narcotic and hallucinogenic properties, but can also act as a deadly poison. It is associated with sleep, oblivion, death and resurrection; all relevant to the sign of Scorpio. Those were the 3 birth flowers of Scorpio, now let’s continue to talk about the connection between zodiac signs and flowers and check the next sign flowers.
Sagittarius Birth Flower
Angelica – is the Sagittarius birth flower. It is the flower of the angel, or more precisely of the Archangel Raphael, the healer, who, according to legend, revealed its medicinal properties, particularly that of healing the plague. It symbolises a harmonious connection between material life and spiritual life, both necessary for the fulfilment of those born under the sign of Sagittarius.

Jasmine – the sweet-scented jasmine is the symbol of happiness and prosperity. Its medicinal properties help to maintain a practical mind as well as a highly developed intellect.
Marigold – it is the flower of happiness and providence and in Latin, it means ‘following the Sun’. The tincture of calendula, extracted from it, has antiseptic and healing properties. The marigold is thought to make people sociable, communicative, understanding, tolerant and kind; qualities those born under this sign possess, or hope to.
Capricorn Birth Flower
Nasturtium – is the Capricorn birth flower. This name derives from its hood-shaped flowers which are reminiscent of the hood worn by Franciscan monks. This flower is well-known as a tonic and for its stimulating properties and is meant to encourage the flexibility and open-mindedness sometimes lacking in those born under this sign. It also helps them to fight against senility, as they naturally tend to suffer from premature ageing.

Holly – this plant remains green in winter and is the symbol of the reappearance of day and light which occurs during the winter solstice when the Sun enters the sign of Capricorn. It is a token of happiness, long life, and wealth.
Mallow – according to Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer and naturalist who lived in the first century AD, “whoever drinks daily half a cup of mallow sap will avoid all illnesses”. It is well-known for casting out dark and depressing thoughts which can plague those born under this sign.
Aquarius Birth Flower – Flowers According to This Zodiac Sign
Laurel – is the Aquarius birth flower. In Ancient Greece, the laurel was dedicated to Apollo who used to chew it to aid his prophecies, and to Dionysus, the god of wine. In Rome, it was associated with Jupiter and the symbol of glory. The French baccalaureat (from Latin bacca laurea which means ‘laurel berry’), takes its name from the laurel wreath bestowed upon scholars and poets. All these elements reveal affinities with the contrasting and complex qualities of the sign of Aquarius.

Primula – the primula with its green leaves, is, as its name indicates, the first of the spring flowers. It is however associated with the second winter sign as it symbolises hope, renewal, aspirations, future plans, but also free-thinking. Talking about the connection between zodiac signs and flowers, let’s check the third flower of Aquarius.
Verbena – it is claimed that if you rub verbena ointment onto your body, your skin will be protected from harmful ultraviolet rays. It appeases the restlessness of those born under this sign, moderates their enthusiasm and relieves the aches and cramps they tend to suffer from.
Pisces Birth Flower – Flowers According to This Zodiac Sign
Red Poppy – is the Pisces birth flower. This is a beautiful red flower from the poppy family which, together with the cornflower and the daisy, represent the colours of the French flag. Ever since ancient times, it has been renowned for treating insomnia and emotional disorders which often affect those born under the Pisces zodiac sign. In addition, it helps you to cope better with everyday life.

Forget me not – this flower is associated with memory and quickness of mind which it stimulates, and also consistency. It releases those born under this sign from the anxiety and the dark thoughts which they sometimes harbour.
Sage – is the plant that ‘saves’ and ‘cures all illnesses’. The physicians of Antiquity and modern herbalists agree on its universal virtues. The sweeping claims made about the benefits of this plant correspond to the aspirations of those born under the sign of Pisces, a sign traditionally regarded by astrologers as the saviour of the world.