The Virgo woman and Capricorn man compatibility rate is high. Here we have two representatives of different signs that have common principality and love to order. For these signs, there is no need to explain the value of love, marriage, family, traditions, and loyalty. Those are the main things that these signs value in others at first. For them, all these values can create happiness in their relationships of love and marriage.
These two signs have many common things. Besides the above mentioned, they also think in the same way, and due to this they easily understand each other and rely on them. The main thing that is like a key to the door to happiness and blessed life is to never be scared to love and show their emotions. If they act that way, they will be able to win thousands of battles against life.

The Capricorn man is very purposeful. He knows what he needs from life; he sets goals and reaches them. He is never frightened of any difficulty. He knows his best sides, his shortcomings, that is why he can surely take on account his power of doing this or that thing; his self-confidence also comes from this. The representative of this sign is outwardly cold and restrained, but he can have very deep emotions and powerful feelings. The Capricorn man is also very sociable; he loves to communicate with people, that is why he has a big acquaintance. With this trait, this man is very careful, as never believes in anyone till the end.
It is hard to find a more devoted woman in the zodiacal circle than the Virgo woman is. This woman is restrained as well, as the Capricorn man, that is why the rate of Virgo woman and Capricorn man compatibility is high. She is erudite as well. She has a practical attitude to finances and relationships of love, marriage, and friendship. The ruling planet of the Virgo sign is Mercury, which endowed her with an analytical mind. She is a realist and never creates an airy castle.
The Virgo woman and Capricorn man compatibility has one of the long-lasting and successful relationships both of love and marriage. In this unity where maybe a lack of feelings and emotionality, loyalty, and warm and equal love come for help. This unity has a lot of advantages. For example, both zodiac signs have common outlooks on material and spiritual values. Both of them know how to earn money and how to save it, as they value stability in the financial sphere as well.
These zodiac signs trust each other and have a mutual understanding. This is the basis of long-lasting and strong unity, even if with years their feelings become less passionate. They are also interested in the personality of their partner, they want to know each other very well. It is very interesting for them to be together, spend time together, and they have infinite amounts of topics to talk about. They help each other to develop, to reach new goals in their careers.
With all these qualities in the Virgo woman and Capricorn man compatibility, the rate increases, and increases. That is why with years their loves together become happier and joyful. So the rate of this compatibility is 95%.