The Virgo woman and Aquarius man compatibility rate is not so high. The love, and the marriage they imagine differently, they have different attitudes to the same things. Because of this, these different representatives face many difficulties, sometimes they have misunderstandings, quarrels, and forget about the thing that connects them – their love. The truth is that both of them want to have a strong marriage, and a happy family, but just wanting is never enough, they have to act in some ways.
The Virgo woman stands with her two legs on the ground, and the Aquarius man always flies in the skies. Can the practice Virgo lower a lightweight satellite from heaven to the earth’s firmament? The rate of Virgo woman and Aquarius man compatibility mostly depends on this.

When under the Virgo sign born the female representatives, then comes to the world the perfection. The Virgo woman is a harmonious combination of mind and beauty. For the one who follows her, she may seem calm and shy, but here we can say that the first impression is false. These women are endowed with such inner advantages and grace that involuntarily force them to respect themselves. They are practice, lovable, and clever, and responsive Virgo women face themselves the full package of feminine dignity.
The greatest value of Virgo woman is her intellect, analytical mind, and excellent memory. They are logical thinkers, who must take into account every detail before making a decision. That is why they know how to solve quarrels and become good diplomats, analytics, and strategists. They succeed in their careers, but this doesn’t make harm to their love and marriage, as they will never sacrifice the family. For this woman, the family is in the first place.
The Aquarius man is charming for many, but not everyone understands him for real. This is mostly due to the fact that people of this zodiac sign are often perceived as ahead of their time. Ideas and thoughts of the representatives of this zodiac sign are as radical and new, that most ordinary people are not ready to hear them. The Aquarius men usually feel deleted from society, and usually succeed when finding like-minded people, with whom they can share their far-sighted views of the future. They are born rebels who cannot follow accepted norms.
These two have many conflicts in their everyday life, but the Virgo woman and Aquarius man compatibility is based on the liveliness of mind and immense love for the knowledge of the world. In the case of knowing to go for compromises from both sides, this unity can become very interesting. They make a connection more intellectual, than emotional. Both zodiac signs are characterized by their minds, that is why they immediately connect at the mental level. The Virgo and Aquarius are very loyal and devoted to each other. Both are hardworking and believe in the ideal world order. They will fight with their all power for keeping that belief.
The Virgo woman and Aquarius man compatibility rate is 77%. Their love and marriage are not perceived as just a connection based on feelings, but a connection based on the mind.