The Virgo man and Virgo woman compatibility rate is high. In the compatibilities like this, a human meets his second one in some words, and the rate of compatibility depends on how much a human will accept himself. Like an unwritten rule, people don’t like the traits in others, which they have in themselves. So in the Virgo man and Virgo woman compatibility man makes relationships of love or marriage with his dual one.
The Virgo man is like an example of punctuality. He loves rules and always respects them trying to not avoid one of them. This man is also an example of the love of order and commitment. In other words – the lovely citizen every country needs. The representative of this zodiac sign is calculating and grounded, he goes towards his goals with small but confident and sure steps, and as a rule, reaches them.

The Virgo sign in general is a materialist always and in any case. They find balanced, rational decisions and execute them meticulously. The male representatives of this sign mostly live with the mind, not with emotions. This trait lowers the rate for those compatibilities, where he makes the partnership with a woman with the highest emotional status. For these kinds of cases in the family of such union meet misunderstandings, and quarrels as well.
The negative antipode of Virgo man is his incredibly moody, always criticizing character. If fate was unfortunate for him, he can turn into a true little tyrant. His unsatisfied sense of perfection will generate dissatisfaction with others. Astrologers mention big differences of characters for the representatives of this zodiac sign. There are many intermediate gradations between the positive and negative poles, which are determined by the individual combination of properties.
The Virgo woman is a true Virgo not only in the zodiacal pole but in life as well. She is the true example of feminine perfection; she is clever, economic, always looks good, and never has a lack of fans, she is perfect both in the relationships of love and marriage. The paradox is that among the woman representatives of this sign meet most women that are not married.
How is it possible for a perfect woman like her to not get married? It’s all to blame her high demands for the opposite sex. Every Virgo woman tries to educate her partner, that is why it is not easy for her to find her ideal. Maybe she has to look more attentive to the male representatives of the Virgo sign, as in the Virgo man and Virgo woman compatibility they can flow in the same river.
The Virgo belongs to the mutable signs in the zodiacal circle. This zodiac sign adapts well to surrounding circumstances and transforms them to benefit for herself. Therefore, conflicts in this pair are a rare phenomenon. Two phlegmatic people will easily find a common language. There won’t be any African passions in this company, but they understand each other perfectly, they have the same expectations from life, everything is stable in their family, and they don’t need more.
With these unique traits, the Virgo man and Virgo woman compatibility rate is up to 85%, which is such a good result.