The Rabbit in Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits

As you know, there are 12 animal signs in the Chinese zodiac. Our zodiac also has 12 signs. In this post, we will check the personalities of the Chinese rabbit in our zodiac signs. The Rabbit in zodiac signs:

The Rabbit in Aries

In his youth, his impulsiveness and love affairs forever exhaust him and his need for action, and for getting higher or further than other people, make him unstable and indecisive. But he becomes shrewd, with age, and learns to concentrate on his goals and can even turn out to be very obstinate, never letting go until he is satisfied. However, a helpful hero with a big heart is always present. So, at the first opportunity, he dashes to save the widow and orphan.

The Rabbit in Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits

The Rabbit in Taurus

You could not be more realistic, materialist and full of good sense than this Taurean. People often envy his material success, his inordinate taste for comfort and pleasure and the ease with which he seems to be able to get everything he wants. But in reality, he is a patient, strenuous, diligent worker, who is never put off by hard work or setbacks and knows what it is to make a living by the sweat of his brow.

The Rabbit in Gemini

The nervous, twitchy rabbit meets up with the mercurial Gemini, what a combination! He has scarcely got one project underway when he is already working out another one. He goes from one occupation, interest, idea or love affair to another. He is always on the move, nothing occupies his attention for long. He jumps at every opportunity. What’s more, he sometimes pulls all the strings without appearing to, for he is a great gambler and a talented comedian.

The Rabbit in Cancer

He lives in his own world of dreams or in the cosy comfort of his little domain, content with himself, far from the noise and fury of the outside world, which he is afraid of and runs away from. Delicate, vulnerable and hypersensitive, by dint of believing he is misunderstood or disliked, he ends up being so. Or else he lets you think that nothing bothers or affects him. In either case, he tends to isolate himself, makes mountains out of molehills and makes it a rule to adopt a staunchly selfish mode of behaviour.

The Rabbit in Leo

His territory is the place where he lives and the environment in which he develops. they both belong to him, and nothing can question this right which seems to be inborn in him. With a charm, naturalness and disconcerting power to seduce and convince, he seems always to be playing a part. But he gets everything he wants, without any apparent struggle or effort. For he loves to keep the peace and has a moral strength and big-heartedness which are not overrated.

The Rabbit in Virgo

He mistrusts everything and everyone. In fact, he tends to believe that as far as one’s social life and relationships are concerned, you are predator or prey, and as he is neither fierce nor ambitious, he takes care to protect himself by trying to read between the lines or focusing his attention on the sayings and unspoken words which, according to him, speak for themselves. However, in spite of his taste for analysis and his mistrusting nature, he remains objective and is never indifferent to the lure of reward.

The Rabbit in Libra

He seems to be always taking one step forwards, then one step backwards in his life, standing on the threshold of a door, undecided whether to go in or out. He knows what he doesn’t want but not what he does want. His qualities lie in his extreme sophistication, his innate feeling for a harmony of shape and colour and his skill in surrounding himself with people who are intelligent, cultured and hand-picked by him. He is good at protecting his interests but hates conflict, arguments and complications.

The Rabbit in Scorpio

His nervous sensuality and power of seduction are irresistible. He has simple, genuine ambitions but rarely manages to achieve them, because he cannot maintain relationships without being passionate, possessive and mistrustful. He has a sixth sense and knows things that other people are still unaware of. he talks of peace, happiness and wellbeing but lives in a state of war or crisis. You cannot manage without him, but it is very difficult to live with this Rabbit.

The Rabbit in Sagittarius

The world is his oyster. He sees it as a large garden to be explored, discovered and travelled through. To him, there are no such things as boundaries. He flits from place to place. he escapes. But he always comes back to his home base, as he needs to have a landmark. Even so, he sustains solid, steadfast convictions. His self-confidence is catching. So it is easy to follow him down the path he shows you. then it is natural for him to take on the role of leader. His paternalistic, indulgent nature is greatly admired.

The Rabbit in Capricorn

He is not very sociable and not a brilliant communicator. But he knows what he wants and where he’s going, and he heads for it slowly but surely, with the certain knowledge that he will reach his goal eventually. Very calculating and with a gift for strategy, he moves his pawns forward one by one, until he has the situation well in hand. He has few friends and relationships but you couldn’t be more loyal than him. He is capable of moving mountains.

The Rabbit in Aquarius

He wants to know everything, understand everything and experience everything. He’s searcher after truth who puts his findings into practice. He already has one foot in the future. He thinks things over, moves forward and breaks new ground. He helps others to find practical solutions to their problems. Indeed, his qualities of humanism and idealism prompt him to show just as much concern for other people as for himself. As for freedom, it’s his reason for living.

The Rabbit in Pisces

He has his feet on the ground but his head in the sky. He often appears very detached from the down-to-earth realities of life; it is true that he finds everyday life boring or frustrating. But he is more gifted than he looks at surrounding himself with all the comforts he needs. He frequently has a great potential for creativity but needs help and support in exploiting it in the right way.