The Scorpio woman and Aquarius man compatibility rate is high. Here we have a combination of the elements of air, which represents the Aquarius man, and water, which represents the Scorpio woman. We have to remember from physics the formula of water, in which some percentage belongs to an air. So we can already find out what kind of connection there is in the Scorpio woman and Aquarius man compatibility. Their love and marriage are blessed ones, as their lives are discussed and initially created from the universe a long time ago. This is also related to the rate of their compatibility, so they have to enjoy their lives, and do the last steps of their happy love and happy marriage.
Many astrologers believe, that the rate of such compatibility is up to 88%. Both Scorpio and Aquarius belong to the stable elementary zodiac signs. Both are very purposeful, and their self-confidence is at a high level. Both hate, when something puts them into borders, and they are used to reach their goals.

The woman that belongs to the zodiac sign of Scorpio can be called precious in all its meanings. She knows her best sides, she is proud of herself, she is determined, and never tries to hide from the center of attention. She loves to be surrounded by people, who are admired by herself, especially men. This kind of woman, as usual, looks very feminine and desirable. But behind that beautiful face, there are hidden masculine characteristics. That is why the Scorpio woman usually appears in the group of men, where he is accepted as a friend.
Most Scorpio women are distinguished by their courage. When this woman solves financial or professional problems, she makes a cold account about it. The Scorpio usually has a successful career and earns a lot of money. Sometimes she leaves behind her man in this sphere, and usually that men are Aquarians, who don’t pay attention ad finance so much.
About the male representatives of the Aquarius constellation, we can say that they are known for their nobility. This man in most situations is calm, not contradictory, usually prefers calm friendly evenings, and even loneliness, rather than noisy nights. The representative of the Aquarius sign values true friendship. For him, his relationships of love and marriage must be able to take place in the meaning of friendship. For relatives, he is ready for anything.
Material things for the representative of an airy don’t have a special value, as he doesn’t try to become a rich man. This man is truthful, he is used to saying what he thinks, he tries to never lie. When this man falls in love, he becomes another kind of attractive. He becomes very generous in saying compliments, takes care of her, and even can carry her in his hands.
Even if the relationships of Scorpio man and Aquarius woman end, both will remember it for a long time. The Aquarius knows how to attract women, and one of his best sides is his originality. This increases the rate of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man compatibility, as the woman values originality in every sphere. They are very compatible in physical relationships.
Many people who know this pair, at first may think that their compatibility is not possible, as they have different characteristics. But the key in this compatibility is that they complement each other. The Aquarius man’s minuses can fill the Scorpio woman and the same way in the opposite. So they have to remember that in their marriage everything is possible when the love is strong.