The Scorpio man and Scorpio woman compatibility rate is not high. If we study the personality traits of this sign, we understand that he has to be the only one in this way. With these traits, the second one is not good, as the quarrels become the members of their family, the third one in their love, and the first child in their marriage. As long as they won’t remember about compromising, as lower the rate will be, and maybe fall and fall again. In The Scorpio man and Scorpio woman compatibility, the partners have to work on themselves for a lifetime.
The Scorpio is a devil in the flesh. The male representatives of this zodiac sign combine in themselves fatally opposite things; love and death, virtue and deceit, sensuality and obsession. The Scorpio man is very demanding in life and always gets what he wants. His self-confidence, assertiveness, and intuitive smell pave the way for them to the new highs, about which many representatives of the other zodiac signs in the whole zodiacal circle couldn’t even dream. Most representatives of this zodiacal constellation have a hard life, but otherwise, they don’t even imagine for themselves. For them, there is nothing worse than the “calm water”, in which their inner “demons” are getting bored.

This woman is self-confident, courageous, determined, and enough eccentric for participating in crazy adventures. The dangerous adventures for the Scorpio women are their lifestyles. They love to play with fate a “Russian roulette”, and what is the most interesting – fate agrees with their rules of the game. Usually, the representatives of this zodiac sign are called “fatal women”. Many people may think, that Scorpio women get everything from this life very easily and that their lives are just fairy tales. But only these women know the price of that fairy tale. The truth is that the women in the whole zodiacal circle, which represents any sign, won’t pay this price.
Yes, without a doubt, the relationships of love and marriage of these two are full of passion, vivid impressions, honest emotions, and not only in the period of “flowers and sweets”. Also, there is no doubt, that in this unity there are many intrigues from one to other, and an unending fight for leadership. In other words, a true emotional roller coaster in all its “beauty”. But what is interesting, the Scorpios can’t live without it.
To be honest, the advantages in this compatibility are less, than shortcomings. In some cases, their qualities themselves become shortcomings. The truth is that these two have a perfectly developed intuitive smell; even before the love will bear between them, they subtly feel one another, intuitively feel the hurt points of their partner, inflame nerves, acute angles, and wisely overcome them. But these abilities they can use both for the good of their relationships, and for hurting their partner.
If the Scorpios will have an equally valued love for each other, about their relationships we can write happy stories. But we have what we have, that is why the Scorpio man and Scorpio woman compatibility rate is 79%.