The Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman compatibility rate is not as high as it was expected. Even though these zodiac signs have many characteristics in common, but one thing is sure – they are neighbors in the zodiacal circle. Their common characteristic traits in their relationships of love and marriage don’t let them enjoy their lives, as they concentrate on things, which make big harm on their joint lives.
The Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman compatibility in the romantic plan is not easy to just call harmonious, as we can make a big mistake. The ruling planet for Scorpio man is the Pluton, and the Sagittarius woman’s planet – Jupiter. These planets have made their affection on the relationships of these zodiac signs, and as a result, both of them love independence, freedom, and expect their partner to respect their personal space. That is why for long-lasting and trustful love and marriage they have to respect each other as a personality and understand that besides their common lives, both of them have an individual life – the other one, which must be respected. Usually from the beginning of their romance, A lot of time passes for them to value their partner with their advantages (only if they will reach this point, as in most cases they usually give up). So we can already understand that initially the rate of Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman compatibility is low and with years it has a chance to increase.

The representatives of these zodiacal constellations never know what to expect from their partners. On the one side, the unpredictability makes life more interesting, but from the other side, the constant pressure can wear down even as strong and confident signs, as the Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman. This is the usual thing, as we all need harmony and peace in our lives. The Scorpio is known as a man with unusual jealousy, and the Sagittarius woman does not tend to stay inside 4 walls. So from here the quarrels and misunderstandings come.
How long it will last, and can it be a happy unity, depends on how much patient will the Scorpio man be, and will the Sagittarius woman go for a compromise and let this man take the lead. The compatibility of the water and fire truly becomes a reason for headaches.
Despite all difficulties and quarrels, the Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman compatibility has a good basis – trust and mutual understanding. The representatives of the water and fire elements never get bored together. They live to spend time together, and even their silence can attract them. With years, the Scorpio and Sagittarius discover new traits in their partner and become more than two people in love or marriage, but two close friends, relatives, who can’t live without one another.
Everyone in this life meets difficulties, everyone gets hurt, but everyone should remember, that with the right partner, they will beat all the difficulties. The Scorpio man and Sagittarius woman compatibility rate is 69%, and as we have already understood, it can be increased.