The Scorpio man and Pisces woman compatibility rate is very high. Their days in love flow like a river through happiness, and their marriage becomes the desired result of true love, not a cold account. They enjoy being together, as they don’t need to say many words to be understood; one glance is enough for them to make sure what they really want.
Between the whole zodiac constellations, the Scorpio man is a special one, whom you can know even with the way of putting the step on the ground. This representative is one of the ones with a charismatic nature, who is very bright and at the same time very mysterious. Even if with his appearance this man is not looking like the models on the pages of newspapers, to stand his beauty and attraction can only a few – only those, who are not attracted with the beauty itself. This is why the sign of Scorpio is called a sign of the kings. Yes, they are royal, but they are also contradictory and can have different faces. The Scorpio men with magical way can combine in themselves things that are incompatible; coldness and passion, killing calmness and frenzy, nobility and revenge. They have unbelievably mystic power. It is surprising that someone can be the enemy of such a man with this characteristic.

Only a few representatives of the zodiacal constellations can be compared with the Pisces woman in the true feminine attraction. She is very subtle and romantic. Temptation and flirt are in her nature, and due to her well-developed intuition, she “smells” the right person. The Pisces women love the beautiful, careless, and luxurious life. They strive for a higher society and dream to become “elite”. Sometimes these fantasies become an illusion without a base, and Pisces enter their fake world, where they hide from this rude and cruel life. They are very sentimental and vulnerable. As usual, this kind of characteristic attracts men, as they can feel themselves true heroes in the eyes of this woman.
The Scorpio man is distinguished with his very hard characteristic and rudeness. The representatives of this zodiac sign are used to take what they want from life with their stubbornness and self-confidence, and they don’t even think what others may feel.
Next to the Pisces woman, the Scorpio man may take the main role of this life – to reach more with open heart and kindness. The Scorpio man and Pisces woman compatibility rate is high due to the Pisces woman, which is one of the fewest that can take all ups and downs of the Scorpio man’s moods. Next to this woman this man can calm down and feel very comfortable. The Pisces woman accepts the leadership of her beloved man, which makes this man happier. What else is needed for happy love and happy marriage?
So the rate of Scorpio man and Pisces woman compatibility is up to 96% and can be even higher if these zodiac signs want to. Nothing else really matters when there is love and respect between two people. If they will u understand each other, they will try to make everything even better. They won’t pay attention to little things and can concentrate on bigger things.