The Scorpio man and Capricorn woman compatibility rate is not so high. Their characteristic differences are seen in their joint lives, as sometimes the love between them becomes unable to protect them from quarrels and even worse – bad decisions about marriage.
The strong willpower in Scorpio man and Capricorn woman compatibility lets them not to follow fate for giving them this or that direction, but they themselves pick what is the best place for them, so they try to reach it. In most cases, they succeed, so in that time, when comes the happiness, for the long term they become the happiest ones. At those times the rate of their compatibility immediately increases, but when the next difficulty comes, and they appear out of their comfort zones, everything starts to repeat again.

Despite their characteristic differences, happy couples with this kind of astrological combination meet often. Both of these representatives have determination, high ambitions and both of them brightly see their life goals. If they connect their power, they will become able to create a trustful fundament for a happy marriage with true love.
One thing, that should remember everyone, who is in any kind of relationship with Scorpio, be it a friendship, marriage, or love, is to be careful from the bite of this zodiac sign. The Scorpio man never forgets and never forgives the wrong attitude to himself. He is a serious, and restrictive man. This world for him has only two colors – black and white. The other shades are very hard for this zodiac sign. You can never reteach this man something. He is not a cat at home, whom you can teach some things; he is a wild tiger, who demands respect. The woman, who wants to make relationships of love or marriage with him, has to take this trait into the account. What kind of characteristics will have this woman – will decide the rate of this compatibility.
The ruling planet for Scorpio man is Pluton, which is the god of un underground world. Due to this planet’s affection, the Scorpio man becomes very energetic and full of hidden passion. He can remember things that hurt him before, so he can take revenge after a long time. The Scorpio man follows to long-term strategy; if he loses, he knows that it is only one step. Late or soon, he will take from life what truly belongs to him
The Capricorn woman is a special one in the whole zodiacal circle. You can never find a more detail-oriented woman, than her. From the appearance, she looks so proud, as she keeps her head a bit higher. If we look at the zodiacal symbols, we can see such pictures as well. So we let you find the connection between the above mentioned by yourself. This woman is also closed and can be very rude. The Capricorn sign is in the tenth home of the Zodiac, which relates to Career, that is why they work for her is always in the first place. Ao in the Scorpio man and Capricorn woman compatibility this woman sacrifices her love and marriage and lowers the rate of their compatibility. The ruling planet Saturn makes her organized, accurate, and economical.
With the combination of these traits, the rate of Scorpio man and Capricorn woman compatibility is 80%, which is not the final digit of this unity. Work hard, and you will be satisfied.