The Sagittarius woman and Pisces man compatibility rate is not high. Usually, the combination of fire (the Sagittarius woman) and water (the Pisces man) faces many difficulties in the relationships of love and marriage. The problem is in their critical differences. But this is not the only reason why the Sagittarius woman and Pisces man compatibility rate is low. The second main thing is that even though they fall deeply in love, or make decisions about marriage, children, they forget to understand that they have to accept their partner the way they are. Both of them had time to know each other well, so why make everything even harder in this unpredictable world?
Let’s discuss one again, what happens when two opposites – the fore and water meet? Will a woman turn a man into steam, or will Pisces flood the flame of Sagittarius with his serenity and gift of persuasion. The relationships of love and marriage are not simplified from the stars – in this unity, everything only depends on these two.

Everything in the Sagittarius woman and Pisces man compatibility is possible. These two zodiac signs can hate each other, or love with passion, or despise. It is even possible that they can feel all these in order. This unity has not a few weaknesses, but there is something, for which it is worth fighting. Many things mostly depend on the Sagittarius woman – her wisdom, readiness to start new relationships and keep them.
The Pisces man is distinguished with his determined nature. This man is confident and calm. One interesting thing about him – he keeps the balance in his life with his balanced nature. This man tends to doubt, but only in case when he hasn’t finally decided what he wants or needs. A hard and multifaceted person with a very rich inner world. The representative of his sign loves to dream, and always strives for reaching goals.
The Sagittarius woman is known as an optimist. She has a trait in herself, which is common for her and Pisces man – both are dreamers, and even one thing in common can increase the rate of such compatibility. This woman is responsible, honest. The Sagittarius woman loves to be in the center of attention, and always strives for self-realization and success.
Despite all the differences, difficulties, and shortcomings, this unity has good sides as well. For example, they have well-coordinated life. The Sagittarius woman is active and energetic, she works, cooks well and unusual dishes, keeps the house clean, and the support of Pisces man helps her to recharge for the upcoming. For Pisces man, it is not too hard to help his woman with the house. Such an important thing, he doesn’t separate everything for woman and man, he can take care of the child as well. In this unity, often a man sits on maternity leave, and it is quite normal for these zodiac signs.
Besides that, this unity also is based on financial stability, which is very important, especially for these zodiac signs. These two help each other to develop personally. So nothing else really matters. And with all these traits, with these difficulties, the initial rate of Sagittarius woman and Pisces man compatibility, which is 68%, has all chances to increase, only if these two will want.