The Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man compatibility rate is not high and not low, like in the middle of two sides. In love and in marriage these zodiac signs show themselves both in positive and negative ways. That is why the rate of their compatibility may change very quickly. It mostly depends on their moods, their needs, and their principles.
The ice and the fire – they attract each other from the very first glance, as the forbidden fruit is sweet. The main thing for the Capricorn man is not to get burned by the sparks of Sagittarius woman, and for a woman – not to lose herself, not to fade away in the everyday routine of the Capricorn man. Their unity succeeds not every time, but the percentage of rate of happy couples is high. In those cases, when these zodiac signs find each other as a true love of their lives, their opposite qualities start to complement each other, so their happy marriage becomes very possible.

The Capricorn man is distinguished with his purposeful nature. Setting goals and reaching them for him is like inhaling and exhaling; it is in his blood. This man is naturally very smart. He lives to earn money, and it is not just for living. The male representatives of this sign are very successful and restrained. Under their cold-hearted appearance, there is a human who can understand people, feel their pain. He is ready to support anyway, he knows how to love. All these traits make the marriage with him very easy and happy.
The Sagittarius woman is afore with its brightest way. This woman is very charming and attractive. The energy of this woman has no borders. This woman as well, like the Capricorn man, is purposeful, so together they have a lot of things to do. The representative of this zodiac sign is an optimist. She charges with her positive energy other. She has a lot of ideas and most of them she truly makes real.
The Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man compatibility needs compromises and strong feelings, and with years needs benefits as well. Both of them want to have a partner equal to them. The advantages of this compatibility are many, but we will mention only a few of them. For example, the first one is their mutual complimenting to one another. The Capricorn is restrained, and Sagittarius is more impulsive, the man is practical and traditional, and the woman is a generator of ideas and a true inspiration. The Capricorn man is able to succeed in his career if he will listen to the opinion of his beloved woman. And the same is with the Sagittarius woman as well.
The next advantage of this compatibility is healthy optimism. Men tend to be melancholy, close in the hard periods of life. The Sagittarius woman never breaks down. She finds a thousand ways of solving problems and million reasons to smile. The Sagittarius charges with her energy, and both become happier.
The next advantage in the Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man compatibility is mutual respect. Both take seriously the love itself and the interests of their partner. In their young years, they are getting ambitious, but with time they start to understand each other and become even more loyal. For loving each other they don’t have to take each other into borders; with years they become personalities with their personal spaces.
The Sagittarius woman and Capricorn man compatibility rate initially is 80%, but as here we have two purposeful signs, we can surely say that the rate can be increased.