The Libra woman and Capricorn man compatibility rate is high, as here we have two signs with different characteristics that complement each other. The Libra woman represents the element of air, which doesn’t endow her with concentrated mind, and plus her sign, because of which this representative goes from this side to that side, and hardly finds his place. The Capricorn man is a representative of the element of earth, due to which he has got the stability as a crown of his characteristics. These traits of two signs complement each other, as the woman’s indetermination can be solved with man’s rationality, and the man’s lack of emotions can turn into a moment of warmth and love. So their unity, especially – marriage, promises to be such a good one.
From the astrological point, such an alliance is fraught with many mysteries and surprises. The universe initially did not give these zodiac signs a high rate of compatibility. Uncomplimentary temperaments and life orientations become a reason for many quarrels, misunderstandings. But we have to remember, that high interest in each other, the need to understand that mysterious partner makes them fall in love, and that love becomes stronger, and deeper, and unpredictable, as they can discuss the details of upcoming marriage after a few time. So with this, the rate of Libra woman and Capricorn man compatibility becomes higher.

The Capricorn man is a rare combination of willpower and a vulnerable soul. Due to the isolation and severity of this man, it is practically impossible to discover its vulnerable sides behind the outer armor. Impartial, like a true Aryan, this man stubbornly goes to the goal he set, no matter how unreachable it may seem at the very beginning. Endurance, patience, assertiveness help the Capricorn man to make a fairy tale he wants to come true.
As a representative of earthy sign, this man stays on the ground strongly and never appears in the imaginary empire. Even when he takes a break from the action, he never calms down but continues thinking about new steps. He is not inclined to make enemies and is able to turn a temporary defeat into a victory. His inner experiences are the holy of holies, which is kept seven seals from outside intrusions. Maybe the Libra woman may succeed to find the golden key to the heart of Capricorn man. And it is quite possible.
The Libra woman is ruled by the planet of love – the Venus, and the element of the air. The representatives of this zodiac sign are incorrigible idealists and seekers of harmony, they are able to see the beauty in everything. This is such a good trait for the Libra woman and Capricorn man compatibility, as here the woman may teach a man how to enjoy life itself. With years, the Libras start to pay more attention to the inner world of a human, rather than to appearance. The underlined astrological trait of Libra woman is difficult to make a decision. Here the stubborn and determined Capricorn man will absolutely help her, as, like an unstable scale, they hesitate for a long time before making a choice.
When we take into account all these traits of these different zodiac signs, it feels like we met a Yin and Yan, such a black and white combination (accept this as a description of the opposite). Together they create a perfect circle, in which you absolutely will find love, happiness, laughs, tears, and an every-every thing that makes this life a life. And they will do it with a 66% of compatibility rate. So we only have to wish them good luck.