The Leo woman and Virgo man compatibility rate is not so high. Here we have two signs, which are neighbors in the zodiacal circle. They represent different elements; the Leo woman represents the element of fire, and the Virgo man – the element of air. We know that fire cannot exist without air, but the air can put out the fire. The differences in their characteristics become a problem in their relationships of love or marriage.
The Virgo man has a characteristic like the ground underfoot. Feels like he is a guarantee, very reliable, and also stable. This man is very obligatory, dedicated, and practical. He does not accept aggression and vulgarity, does not tolerate negligence in any of its manifestations: from the appearance, up to a culture of talking. The Virgo man has a well-developed sense of beauty and an increased need for self-improvement through introspection, the search for the meaning of life, in which logic and deduction are the main tools. Among the shortcomings of the Virgo man, we can say that there is one single out the famous pedantry of this man, scrupulousness and terry conservatism. Due to these qualities, the Virgo man becomes demanding to himself and others as well.

The Leo woman is a masterpiece, exclusive, high valued, displayed in the window of a posh store. You can admire with her, wonder, enjoy contemplation, be to become the owner can only less. Only the most worthy of the worthies can be caressed by the rays of the sun, which the Leo woman considers herself to be. And this is not surprising. Being born under the ruling Sun, this woman is radiant, sultry, charismatic, and always stunning, even if her facial features and body parameters are far from beauty standards. But the representative of this zodiac sign can also be arrogant, contradictory, egocentric. This is the flip side of her ruling planet – the Sun, which harms the most her relationships of love or marriage, and any compatibility with these zodiac signs, and the Leo woman and Virgo man compatibility is not an exception.
Knowing these characteristics of these zodiac signs, anyone can say that these two are not meant to be with each other. And sure, the Leo woman manages to baffle the know-it-all Virgo man, knocking the ground out from his feet. Virgo man cannot accept the recklessness and pride of the Leo woman, who take herself as a queen, and tries to change the woman’s nature – usually unsuccessfully. But if you don’t try, you will never know; maybe you are able to find the golden mean.
You can also find out everything about Leo and Virgo compatibility on this page – Leo and Virgo Compatibility Percentage.
In the Leo woman and Virgo man compatibility, the hardest thing is to teach a Leo woman to open her eyes and stop pretending that she is in the crown, and everyone else is ready to do what she says. The Virgo man is practical and realistic, which is why he can’t stand the “imagination” of this woman, as he wants to take her to the ground and show what this world in reality is. What will remain of Leo woman, if you take her dreams away? The answer is Nothing! Her happy face will turn into a rainy cloud, and the colors of the world will disappear. So if the man wants to keep their love or marriage strong, he will stop doing this over and over, and maybe they can be able to live with each other happily. They have to face many difficulties, but if their feelings are strong, they can go through it hand in hand, and never get bored of fighting their love. So the rate of Leo woman and Virgo man compatibility is 68%.