The Capricorn woman and Aquarius man compatibility has a low rate. Many difficulties in their joint life, where even the love becomes unable to save their marriage. Sometimes it feels like the break up is the best decision for them, but we have to remember how unpredictable this life is, and what can really happen with two different people, who are connected with love or marriage. Ao the initial rate of Capricorn woman and Aquarius man compatibility is changeable.
The men, who were born under the zodiacal constellation of Aquarius, are very smart, and intellectual. They open for themselves the world and open themselves to the world through successful “bending” it under themselves. The representatives of the Aquarius sign don’t want to follow the written rules, and they write the new ones by themselves. Those are sometimes the most eccentric ideas that often swarm in their rebellious mind. The Aquarius men are reputed to be rebels, and try to prove that some things in the surrounding world are even better than they seem. With their nature, most Aquarius men are loners, but not hermits. They have wonderful attractions and unbelievable charisma. The representatives of this zodiacal constellation are fighters for justice and protectors of the disadvantaged.

The Capricorn women combine in themselves femininity, thoughtfulness, balance, and practicality, which they have got from their element of the earth, and the masculine stubbornness, purposeful nature, and assertiveness, which they have got from their zodiac sign. All these traits the Capricorn woman can use in two ways; from one side, they know how to make their ways to the goals better with the masculine traits, and never give up because of difficulties, but on the other side, they are very vulnerable and subtle creatures, who dream, that those hard and difficult ways will take on himself a strong and determined man. But, as a rule, one excludes the other; where the Capricorn woman with his head fights with the problems, even strong men can’t do anything.
It is hard to imagine two people with this kind of differences, as we meet in the Capricorn woman and Aquarius man compatibility; a pedantic, and hardworking Capricorn, who values stability the most in this world, and a free-minded man, who tends to changes, today is here, and tomorrow – there. But life shows, that there are many analogical pairs, who have succeeded in their love and marriage, so the best is yet to come.
Even in a long relationship, these zodiac signs do not dissolve into a “stronger” partner. For the Capricorn woman, the inner world of the Aquarius man is a mystery. The Aquarius man thinks the same about this woman. The unity with an Aquarius man opens for this woman new perspectives and helps to look at this world from a different angle. She is inspired by the originality and courage of this man, and next to him she feels how she gets charged from the life energy. On the other side, the Aquarius man has found a carrying woman, who can correctly redirect the energy of this unpractical man to the right place.
Not difficulties, not quarrels, not anything else are able to win the Capricorn woman and Aquarius man if they have strong feelings. With a deep and big love, they can make their incompatible traits into compatible ones, so they have to do it for a long time. Even if the initial rate of Capricorn woman and Aquarius man compatibility is 68%, we surely say, that it can be increased; not easily, but it is quite possible.