The Capricorn man and Pisces woman compatibility rate is not so high. These signs represent different zodiacal constellations with different elements, before the start of the relationships already know that it won’t be easy for them. Even if they love each other deeply, they are not able to fully accept some characteristic traits of their partner. But even if they know about it, something they put a step and make serious decisions about marriage, but who knows how long it will last.
Nowadays the main thing that is hidden under every kind of relationship, be it love or marriage, is compromise. Thinking a bit longer we will see that we are not calm with ourselves, so with other people, it will be even harder. Yes, love is important, and in the beginning, it helps to close eyes on everything or accept something as a good one. But from time to time the love goes behind, and here comes the mind, and starts to put everything on scales. All the above mentioned is equally related to both zodiac signs in the Capricorn man and Pisces woman compatibility, that is why its rate is different in different parts of life.

Everything the Pisces woman loves about this man is his loyalty, stability in his needs and goals, and success in every sphere of life. This man thinks rationally and acts determinedly. He is a born leader, but he does not always realize his abilities.
The Pisces sign in the whole zodiacal constellations is the last one, which means that the representatives of this sign combine in themselves different parts from the remaining eleven signs. So you can find in yourself everything you want, and you can awaken different parts of their personalities.
The Pisces woman is very sensitive, communicative, and carrying. The main trait, by which she stands higher from other zodiac signs, is that she accepts the words of others and critics. She subtly feels other people, and also she is prone to empathy.
The Capricorn man and Pisces woman rarely notice each other. They are different, in many things they take the opposite sides, but when fate connects them, they don’t want to break up. The initiator of their relationships of love or marriage practically always becomes the man, not noticing how he falls into the skillfully placed net of tenderness and passion of the Pisces woman. In the Capricorn man and Pisces woman compatibility, the woman gives the man a dream, and he realizes it, so both are very happy.
This compatibility has shortcomings as well. The Pisces woman doesn’t like the materialistic and down-to-earth nature of this man, and the Capricorn man is out of the mind of the unreadiness of the woman to this cruel world. But astrologers think, that all the quarrels can last a few moments due to the flexibility of the Pisces woman. As long as she is ok with this situation, everything is good. But if she wants to change the roles, this pair faces many trials, and it is not a fact that they will go out of this together. With all these, the rate of Capricorn man and Pisces woman compatibility is 73%. They value love, marriage, family, children, but if there are hurricanes in their souls, they will close their eyes on everything.