The Capricorn man and Capricorn woman compatibility rate is high. This is a case, that happens not often when two representatives of the same sign with the same element together get a high rate of compatibility. In love and in marriage they understand each other very well; seems like they face themselves, so it is not surprising. They love each other, as they know each other with all their traits, so going to marriage is a decision they made with a cold head.
The Capricorn is smart and purposeful. If we take a glance at their zodiacal symbol, we will understand where their nature of fighter comes from. This practical representative has a well-developed intuition. He can feel or “smell” some upcoming things, and this quality surprises many people around him. So he can warn you about danger, or something else. Hearing him, and following his advice may help you to avoid many bad things.

Under the outer coldness and self-confidence, there are many feelings with different colors, which are shown to only a few. If the Capricorn opens you his heart, be aware that you are a chosen one. But also, you have to be careful with it, as if you hurt this person, it will be very bad first of all for you, as he knows how to protect himself.
The Capricorn man is judicious, rational, and very lucky in love, marriage, and a career as well, but the representatives of this zodiac sign are often hindered by incontinence and uncompromising. They are stubborn and selfless. When they see the goal, set them, they will do anything for reaching it.
About the Capricorn woman, we can say, that she is a very charming and independent woman. This woman in any sphere gets the highest. She tries to be the beat in every situation, and she does it.
What can we expect from the Capricorn man and Capricorn woman compatibility? It is unknown even for these two. The representatives of this zodiac sign know how to surprise. In the emotional plan, the relationships will be unusual, but one thing is very important – they look in the same direction. So here we don’t talk about exceptional cases, where the stubbornness of Capricorn will remind us about itself.
The Capricorn man and Capricorn woman compatibility has many advantages. For example, loyalty, which is a norm for them. Even if they are not in relationships, they won’t go from one partner to another. For them, it is humiliating to go against their principles. The other advantage of this compatibility is the common values. To wait for partners from the army, if they broke up, to keep relationships for children, even if they don’t have feelings anymore. Those principles are not always good for them, but they help to keep the relationships.
These two always help and support each other in personal and career ups and downs. Capricorns are always in the move and always support and respect those, who are in the move as well. This also relates to their material stability, as they always look for 3 steps forward, so they always have savings.
With all these traits, they have shortcomings as well, which are seen for them. But despite everything, they have a lot of chances for a high rate of compatibility, which is initially 82%.