Affinities Between Signs of the Zodiac

Is he the man of your life? Are you the ideal woman for him? Can you really tell if you are compatible with your star signs? Are there perfect combinations between certain signs of the zodiac, and will people born under these signs make an ideal couple? The answer is yes, …but.

There are affinities between certain sun signs and these are shown over the page but to discover whether people are compatible in their relationship you will need to look a lot further than their sun signs. For instance, someone born under the sign of Leo but with Venus (the ruling planet of love) in the sign of Cancer or Virgo will have a very different love life to say a Leo who has Venus in Gemini or Libra. Both these people will behave like typical Leos but they will show their feelings in a more Cancerian or Virgoan way in the first case and in a more Geminian or Libran way in the second.

Affinities Between Signs of the Zodiac

As you learn to draw birth charts and develop your astrological skills, this is one of the fascinating areas you will discover. Drawing up two birth charts and assessing the areas of compatibility is called ‘synastry’. These areas of compatibility are:

  • Ability to communicate
  • Shared motivation
  • Empathy and harmony
  • Tolerance

Once these areas are assessed individually then the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of each partner can be looked at and a picture will emerge of the probability of success within the relationship. A word of warning is necessary here! When friends and family hear that you can draw up birth charts and ask you to look at the partnership angle, you should always ask yourself why they are looking for this information.

If it is because one or the other is uncertain or uncommitted then you look at their compatibility. If it is because they are having difficulties in their relationships, remember you can only offer information that they can use for guidance. Their birth charts will not provide the answers.

If you need to know more about affinities between signs of the zodiac you can check this article Zodiac Signs Personality.