Virgo Sun Cancer Moon Libra Rising
The combination of Virgo sun Cancer moon Libra rising is a good and positive combination that gives a good start at the beginning of your life. This combination says a lot about you, and you should use and develop your positive qualities. In this post, we will learn about this combination and check what the positions of the sun, moon, and ascendant mean.
Sun in Virgo
If you were born at the moment when the sun is in Virgo, then you will have hard work, possession of technology, and experience that will be associated with a personal crisis or illness. It is possible that your devotion to your spiritual master will bring you a reward, but only if your aspiration and resistance match this.

If you engage in forced self-digging, painfully examine yourself from the inside, if you have an extremely cold attitude towards socially religious institutions or hostile attitudes towards your team, then know that all these emotions come from the negative influence of the sign of Pisces – the sign of the Zodiac that opposes your sign. Such feelings are alien to your essence, you must overcome them and not become a prisoner of alien influences.
Moon in Cancer
If the Moon is in the constellation of Cancer, your subtle features are combined with tender feelings. Be reasonable if you have a tendency to act recklessly. Since the Moon rules a person born under the sign of Cancer, she tries to compete with the Sun. The moon also gives you an intuitive foresight, with which you feel when it is time to make decisions and the right time to take a bold step.
Beware of fluctuations in your character, the role of the Moon is great in this, and it can interfere with your progress. You can be a sensual lover, able to express your feelings, you will be sensitive and responsive to the needs of loved ones. However, it is difficult for you to break friendships.
Your body is prone to stomach diseases, digestive disorders, and diseases of the mammary glands. There may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity, hysteria, and tumors. The moon on the 10th – 30th degree has a bad influence (cunning, betrayal, evil thoughts).
If the Moon is in good connection with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury, then the means of struggle will help in matters of love and the search for treasures. In those days when the Moon is in the constellation of Cancer, one must beware of all sorts of deceptions and fraud.
Libra Rising Sign
Libra is the most pleasant and harmonious ascendant sign. You have an innate charm and poise. You are extremely tactful, you like to create a pleasant atmosphere with people. Parties, holidays, fun, and good times are your element. You have a cheerful and warm personality and high hopes for the future.
If you don’t know how to find out your rising sign then you can check this post – My Rising Sign.
You easily fall into despair and depression, especially when you are surrounded by discouraged and depressed people. You are optimistic, cheerful, and naturally honest, and nothing irritates you more than dishonesty. You are gentle, neat, and oriented. You strive for artistic and creative work, but your acting skills remain unusable.
When at the moment of your birth the Sun is in Virgo, the Moon is in Cancer, and Libra is your rising sign, then you are very balanced and talented. You can easily impress others and be the center of attention.
You don’t like hard work and prefer the easy way. You don’t want to be the center of attention because you get people’s attention anyway. You do not fight for success, often fate comes to you through loved ones. You love to travel, new people, and new projects, and you are happy to initiate activities that promise excitement and fun. But you lack perseverance, so you leave a lot unfinished.