The ascendant on the highest point of the first home in Virgo shows that this energy is close to the native in communication and ability to show himself. These are positive people, who strive for self-development and discipline. They adore writing letters and planning the future. Emotional wonderings are about them only partly, as the feelings always move the inner analyzer, which is used to soberly compare the facts and calculate the benefits of any situation. They are restrained in communication, shy in movements, which needs to go for curses of oratory and dance movements.
The people who have the Virgo rising sign in their natal charts, see the world and events truly from a microscope, as they see each of the details. Perfectionism and high standards do not allow remaining silent at the sight of sloppy work or dishonest treatment of people. So this is the main reason why the representatives of this Virgo rising sign are partly alone, and when they meet their life partner or friend, they strive to adapt to him so as not to lose. One thing is surprising – the emotional coldness does not interfere with their actors’ talent. The person having the Virgo rising sign skillfully mimics those around him if he sees the meaning in it.

This native is born in an atmosphere of coldness and detachment, but always in conditions of sterility and cleanliness. Sometimes the mother refuses to take them on her hands immediately, exhausted after childbirth, which later affects the distrust of the world. It is hard to believe that the person who has the ascendant in the Virgo zodiac sign can be loved, especially if he shows in full force dissatisfaction with insufficiently smart colleagues and finds fault with trifles.
Virgo Rising – Appearance and Behavior
The Virgo rising sign strives for material stability and independence from everything and everyone, that is why he keeps his plans in secret, and patiently waits for the result, and deep inside envies those bright personalities, who reach their goals easily. The ascendant in Virgo affects traits both in appearance and behavior as well:
- average growth, natural thinness, dry skin;
- this native looks younger in his old years;
- graceful classic facial features without pronounced features;
- almond-shaped eyes of hazel or green color, thin lips;
- wavy hairs with light-brown color, high forehead;
- clever and attentive glance and active gesture;
- mincing gait increased accuracy in clothing;
- the habit of fiddling with a small object (handkerchief, pen) during a conversation.
This native prefers modest classic clothes in pastel tones, trying to avoid risky experiments. Standing out from the crowd, he feels uncomfortable, so he opts for a win-win black and white combination and gray office suits. In addition, such habits correspond to the principles of thrift of the ascending Virgo.
The Virgo rising sign in the natal chart of women shows a hardworking employee and clean hostess, so she becomes a true representation of the ideal fulfillment of female duties in the eyes of others, however, suffers from excessive picky about herself.
An excellent boy who prefers educational games and victories in Olympics to yard games grows up into a talented organizer, orator, and intellectual leader.