The Virgo man and Capricorn woman compatibility is one of the ones with the highest rate. It feels like in this union the signs represent the puzzle, which pieces are complementing each other perfectly. Two signs with different personalities, and we have a great combination. They not only have all chances to succeed in love, but they have the success itself as well. It remains them to only meet one another, and get married as soon as possible for creating a perfect unity.
Classical astrology gives this couple the palm for compatibility in marriage. Modern astrologers make a small but significant amendment to this statement. The Virgo man and Capricorn woman compatibility is able to create a happy family if they put some effort into it.

The typical Virgo man is a bit prim and old-fashioned. Outwardly, he looks like an English gentleman: ironed shirt, impeccable hairstyle, expensive perfume. Virgo’s love for the order has already become a household name. The representative of this zodiac sign keeps his home ideally, even if he lives alone. His thoughts as well, like things in the house, are ordered I his head, he always has a clear plan of actions a few steps forward. His ruling planet is Mercury, which endowed this man with great analytical abilities.
The main disadvantage of Virgo man is his strives to criticize. In the characteristics of Virgo sign is put a peculiarity to never admit their mistakes. This kind of man will prove long and hard, that the cup was broken not for the reason that he accidentally dropped it, but for the reason that it was put there wrongly. Any sign, which wants to make a partnership with this man, has to always remember this thing because in marriage the love won’t save them always. So this plays a decisive role in the rate of any compatibility with the representative of the Virgo sign.
The Capricorn woman is a mystery for everyone surrounding her. Understanding the secrets of the woman, which is very different from all the female representatives of the zodiacal circle, will help to know her astrological inclinations. Compared to competitors, at first, the representatives of the Capricorn sign lose, despite infinite patience and tireless efficiency. The Capricorn woman doesn’t advertise her ambitions, and secretly reaches the goals she set previously. When soon or late the success comes to her, people around her get surprised. Only the representative herself knows how hard it was for her, how much titanic efforts she had to spend for making her dream come true.
Statistically, the marriage between Virgo man and Capricorn woman is one of the most stables. Despite the restraint of partners, their relationships are comfortable for both. This couple is unlikely to compose love verses for each other and post romantic photos on Instagram. They don’t need an external demonstration of love and fidelity, their unity is based on true loyalty. Both of them restraint show their feelings. They won’t talk about their feelings out loud, they just show it with practical matters. The Virgo man and Capricorn woman compatibility rate is 98%. Nothing remains for these zodiac signs to do to be happy, besides just enjoying their joint life.