The Sun enters the Virgo constellation from the 23rd of September and stays there until the 22nd of October. The men, born under the Virgo star sign, are endowed with special characteristics, due to which they are differentiated from other male representatives from the zodiacal circle. The Virgo male characteristics, about which we are talking about, are their energetics, practicality, sharp mind, who always strive for perfection, and do not recognize negligence and vulgarity. Thoughtful and accountable Virgo men are distinguished by self-control, meticulousness, hardworking, foresight, and very attractive appearance. You can rely on them both at work and in the family.
The ruling planet for this sign is Mercury, which endows its representatives with such characteristics, as intellectual abilities, striving for success, responsibility, ability to easily negotiate, pragmatism. Those Virgo male characteristics make them a man of the hearts of women.

The wards of Mercury assimilate the material very fast, weed out unnecessary information. They know how to establish beneficial relationships, and with the help of others and their personal effort succeed in life. The representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign are able to create a lot of capital. By the statistics, among the Virgo men, there are a lot of wealthy men and millionaires.
The people, who were born from the 23rd of August to the 2nd of September, are under the affection of the Sun. Due to the affection of this planet, the Virgo male characteristics get new traits, like organizational abilities, nobility, honesty, generosity, excessive pride, and anxiety.
The men, who were born from the 3rd to the 11th of September, are under the affection of Venus, which endows them with closeness, and accountability. The main value for these men is the success in career. They prefer modest and well-gloomed women, do not accept assertiveness, and always make high demands on their chosen one. That is why there are so many inveterate bachelors among them. And to be honest, such Virgo male characteristics are not able to attract women or most women.
The Virgo men, born from the 12th to 22ns of September, acquire the brightest traits of the Mercury. They are endowed with analytical abilities, value material, are selective in dating, and prefer friendship with successful people.
The element of this sign is the Earth, that is why the Virgo male characteristics are also described with their restraint, real outlooks for life, practicality, purposefulness. The representatives of this sign are not affected by dreaming, they are independent, calm, and pedantic.
The stone talismans for the Virgo men are jasper, jade, malachite, sardonyx, citrine, sapphire, garnet, diamond and others. Virgos are patronized by copper, tin, nickel, aluminum, bronze, platinum. Favorable numbers for them are mostly 3, 9, and multiples of 5, 6, 12. The colors that bring success to the representatives of this star sign are blue, grey, brown, yellow-green.