Virgo has the best romantic and love match with the star signs of Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces. Virgo can also tend to get on very well in love and in loving relationships with others whose star sign is Virgo, so Virgo best match can be another representative of this sign. However, if you feel a growing love for a Virgo yet are not born under any of these star signs mentioned don’t rule yourself or Virgo out. It’s always best to remember the true saying that love conquers all and that these are merely general pointers to love with Virgo.
As we mentioned, there are 3 signs who can make a good relationship with this sign, but the Virgo best match is Capricorn. Their compatibility rate is about 98% and it is impressive. You can check more about this relationship by navigating to these pages – Virgo Man and Capricorn Woman, Virgo Woman and Capricorn Man.

The star sign of Virgo is one of the more loving and trustworthy of the signs of the zodiac according to astrological research. Virgo, therefore, makes an excellent love choice for those who happen to be somewhat neurotic concerning their partners’ faithfulness. While Virgo tends not to be too demonstrative about their (Virgo’s) feelings when in love or attached to someone, Virgo’s actions sometimes tell a completely different tale. Virgo does care deeply and Virgo doesn’t like to be the center of attention. Also, you can check the compatibility of Virgo with other signs of the zodiac on this page – Virgo Compatibility.
Talking about Virgo’s best match, we should mention, that Virgo rather prefers to act in secret to protect and nurture their (Virgo’s) relationships. Once a Virgo has committed themself and given their love. The commitment that is received from Virgo is more often than not entirely true and will last and last (until the last!) Virgo tends to give everything in love and the solid loyalty and devotion to those whom they do love makes Virgo the ideal romantic partner for those who need to be reassured of the stability underlying their love lives.
The star sign of Virgo likes to see both ambition and intelligence in their love partner. If you’re in love with Virgo and you can demonstrate both of these love qualities you are already heading towards romantic happiness and deep and hopefully true love. Share all that interests you and all that interests your lover and you’ll keep Virgo by your side. Virgo loves this kind of thing and Virgo loves love. If you do too then you’ll love Virgo love – sounds crazy but it makes sense really!