Venus in the Signs of the Zodiac
In the birth chart, the position of Venus, the planet of love, enables the astrologer to understand how an individual lives his emotions and what his true motivations are, two characteristics that are commonly regarded as essential. So in this post, we will check information about Venus in the signs of the zodiac.
Venus in Aries
The individual whose birth chart shows Venus in Aries, projects himself totally towards his loved one, investing all his personality, staking everything in his relationship. But he is often hiding the truth from himself, either by sublimating his feelings or the object of his affection or by refusing to compromise or to question his pressing, impulsive, primary desires. His emotions are fiery. they go to his head and often become fixations. His motivations are spontaneous, immediate, dazzling, but subject to impassioned urges followed by bouts of depression, violent disappointments, and break-ups. It goes without saying that such an attitude may generate emotional instability or a lack of continuity.
- Key-words: love at first sight, sublimation of feelings, impulsive, impetuous, burning, weak-willed, fiery and passionate urges, risk of instability in love

Venus in Taurus
Venus in the sign of the zodiac Taurus – the individual has healthy motivations and simple, natural feelings. He is endowed with a very sentimental nature and a sensual and greedy temperament. He is fundamentally faithful in love and possessive. The emotions he feels towards his loved ones may make him stubborn and jealous. His attitude towards them is self-centeredness and devotion. Indeed part of his devotion springs from the fact that he cannot stand change and does not know how to break up. He aspires to live in comfortable conditions, to achieve material security which will stop him from worrying about the future. Emotionally, he may prove to be quite vulnerable.
- Key-words: healthy, natural feelings, sensuality, over-indulgence, simple motivations, need for comfort, emotional and material security, fidelity, naivety, sentimentalism, jealousy, passivity.
Venus in Gemini
The individual whose birth chart has Venus in Gemini tends to experience his feelings with a kind of carelessness, although that is not to say he will be unfaithful. In reality, he likes playing the game of love, flirting, being popular and charming, or getting involved in relationships that will not demand any commitment on his part and thus allow him to exploit his talent of being simultaneously the actor and the privileged spectator to his changing emotions and the reactions he arouses. he loves himself through the eyes of others. He is better at making others love him than he is at love. He intellectualises his feelings and his emotions, so he sometimes finds it hard to let go and his carefree appearance may hide deep emotional frustrations.
- Key-words: multiple feelings, changing and varied emotions, taste for the game of love, narcissistic need to be liked and loved, touchiness, lack of scruples.
Venus in Cancer
Venus in the sign of the zodiac Cancer – the individual has tender and affectionate feelings but cannot help worrying. Consequently, he tends to harbour a certain nostalgia for the past, and particularly for the intense emotions and sensations which he experienced. They are now fixed in his memory forever, idealised, and he wishes to prolong them eternally. Similarly, his motivations are rarely projected towards the future. On the whole, they refer to his past and lead him to dream, to live in fear and in hope simultaneously. For him, joy and suffering may even be expressed together. He never manages to free himself from his feelings and their hold over him.
- Key-words: great need for shared tenderness and kindness, bashful but very possessive feelings, intense and refined sensuality, vulnerability, dependence, inability to become detached.
Venus in Leo
The individual whose birth chart shows Venus in Leo, feels the need to experience noble and generous feelings, a love that is out of the ordinary, a demonstrative or remarkable relationship. He wants to conquer or be conquered and to be loved and admired unconditionally. In love, he has a taste for luxury, remarkable actions and grand gestures. So much so that he may be caught in his own game and delude himself. Unable to face failure in love, he sometimes prefers to give up on a relationship rather than take the risk of being betrayed. Indeed, he may prove to be exclusive, even tyrannical with his loved one. His motivations are out of the ordinary, but they may lead him to indulge in excesses or make mistakes.
- Key-words: generous, dominating, exclusive, loyal, noble feelings, need to love and admire and to be loved and admired, ambitious motivations, lack of emotion and sicerity.
Venus in Virgo
The individual whose birth chart shows Venus in Virgo, is fundamentally very reserved in the way that he expresses his feelings, which he always questions. Because of this, and in order to atone for his uncertainty and compensate for the tendency that he has to always analyse his emotions and feelings which, of course, remain controlled at all times, he indulges in excessive love games which will not altogether satisfy him fully since, sooner or later, he will start to feel guilty. And so it is that he goes from wisdom to fiery love, without transition. Similarly, whilst he appears to be methodical, organised and even selective in the choice of his motivations, in reality, he is never quite sure of anything.
- Key-words: discreet feelings, helpfulness, emotional indecision, moments of madness in love, feelings of guilt, indulgence, ability to change one’s behaviour, lack of motivations.
Venus in Libra
The individual whose birth chart shows Venus in Libra is endowed with great charm, and subtle grace which he knows how to emphasise and how to use successfully. This makes him very attractive, good company and pleasant to be with. He is sought after on the social scene. His motivations and his emotions are often screened and quantified by his lucid and selective mind. This may lead to some indecision when he has to make heart-felt choices, but it also means great refinement and soundness of feelings. He has a natural and beneficial sense of justice, equity and ethics which is based and derived from his need for emotional balance and relational harmony. This is why, for him, his expectations of love are sometimes more motivating than life itself, an attitude that leads him to turn into a perfectionist or an idealist whilst showing himself to be easily led or lacking constancy in love and relationships.
- Key-words: charm, grace, kindness, refinement, easy, relaxed sociability, sense of justice, responsability, emotional lucidity, search for balanced and harmonious love relationships.
Venus in Scorpio
The individual whose birth chart shows Venus in Scorpio, experiences intense feelings that are exacerbated by uncontrollable, instinctive, physical impulses. This is the typical person for whom everything is an all or nothing situation. He either loves intensely or does not love at all, he either takes everything from his loved one or rejects her completely, unable to explain why. Paradoxically, in love, permissiveness goes hand in hand with extreme possession. The individual loves without prejudice. He plays on his power of seduction, the magnetic attraction that he can exert very easily. Sometimes this is despite himself since his passionate feelings and passionate relationships are not without a kind of naivety. His provocative sensuality makes him very attractive, and his need for physical fusion and possession means he often lacks serenity in his love which he may re-assess from one day to the next.
- Key-words: instinctive feelings, passionate relationships, intense, provocative sensuality, uncontrollable physical impulses, taste for seduction, naivety in love, jealousy, vengeance.
Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius – we are dealing with an individual whose feelings are simple, spontaneous, optimistic and uncomplicated. He appreciates loyalty and frankness and his ideal is peaceful, reassuring love relationships that are based on total mutual trust. His emotions are so natural, his motivations so easy to understand that others may doubt their genuineness, or else conclude that they are too simple, naive or gullible to be sustained. And yet, with Venus in Sagittarius, the individual’s feelings are honest and he wears his heart on his sleeve. However, this astral configuration may encourage a taste for adventure and a need for freedom. This can entail a deceitful, double life in love. It may also favour the exploitation of the feelings of others because of self-interested motives and a desire to be a free spirit at all costs.
- Key-words: generosity, simple and honest feelings, desire to share, integrity in love, likes to share his emotions, naivety in love, refusal or rejection of emotional problems, need for adventure.
Venus in Capricorn
The individual whose birth chart shows Venus in Capricorn, under the rulership of Saturn, may be regarded as an ascetic in love and the pursuit of love and relationships. He loves little, but deeply and on a permanent basis. Indeed, as far as his feelings, his emotions or his motivations are concerned, he is only interested in the essential, the true and serious; he is sceptical, occasionally melancholic or pessimistic, but always reliable and in control of himself. This comes from the fact that, with him, reason or a clear mind always come before feelings or emotions. The individual is not demonstrative or openly affectionate but he has a deep sense of duty and emotional commitments. In the extreme, his planetary configuration mat reveals an inhibition or a rejection of all feelings, a cold, mistrustful individual whose selfish behaviour hides deep inner unhappiness and, at the worst, a cold dry heart.
- Key-words: rare feelings, deep, selective, essential, tenacious and lasting love relationships, control of emotions, secret melancholy, refusal of emotional compromise, cold-hearted.
Venus in Aquarius
Venus in the sign of the zodiac Aquarius – in this position, Venus reveals an individual who, despite his nonconformist and offhand feelings is also highly emotional and needs comforting and affection. This configuration is often described as that of free and liberal love. However, whilst it is true that it makes the individual in question audacious, surprising, original or different in his approach to love, it still implies a form of attachment that is subtle and deep, however, it may be shown in a strange way. Thus, he is fundamentally faithful to his loved one, sometimes even simultaneously. His relationships are always coloured with tolerance, open-mindedness, leniency, solidarity and permissiveness. It may of course be the case that, when the individual becomes too emotional or, conversely, detached from all emotions, his behaviour in love becomes incoherent, unstable or hostile to the detriment of a relationship.
- Key-words: impulsive in love, dynamic, individual, flexible, permissive feelings, friendly temperament, lenient towards himslef and others, momentary taste for adventure, emotional instability.
Venus in Pisces
These feelings of the individual showing Venus in Pisces, are plunged inside deep and mysterious emotional turmoils which then intensify, expand or exacerbate these feelings. Be that as it may, he always manages to sublimate his feelings, his emotions, and the love impulses which blind him or lead him. He is often able to lend them an unusual, romantic or idealistic air or even a religious or mystical dimension. Thus, he may tend to regard love as a goal in itself or to be simply in love with love. In this case, his behaviour is not always honest because, despite himself and at all cost, he wants to be loved but he often lacks judgement in his choice of partners. Therefore, there is always a risk of emotional or sensual complications, passionate crises and disappointments in love. In extreme cases, this can cause him to lead a life of fantasy and illusions which can be damaging to himself and those involved in his relationships.
- Key-words: deep feelings, idealistic motivations, emotional and physical fusion in love, romanticism, self-sacrifice, search for the absolute, anxiety, despair, excessive sensibility, lack of awareness in love.