Love has many faces, all of which prove to be a useful means of understanding a planet with such subtle qualities as Venus. In this article, we will check the connection between Venus and Zodiac. Venus tells us about the nature of our feelings, emotions, and motivations, and about the way we express them. It is important here to note the difference between motivations which are revealed by Venus, desire linked with Mars, urges indicated by Pluto, and impulses shown by Uranus.

Venus in the birth chart
Here, in brief, are some interpretations of the influence of Venus in each of the signs of the zodiac. This will be dealt with in detail in future issues.
Venus in Aries – this subject is a lively and passionate partner who falls in love suddenly and deeply. They can be selfish (the influence of the main Arian downfall).
Venus in Taurus – the influence of Venus is very strong here as it is the ruling planet of Taurus. This aspect indicates sensuality, romance, and a deep capacity for loving and caring.
Venus in Gemini – there is a need to share intellectual and emotional feelings with this placing and although the outcome can be fun, there is also a risk of betrayal if the level of stimulus cannot be maintained.
Venus in Cancer – all the Cancerian traits of warmth, kindness, and affection are emphasized by this pacing but the negative aspect can be a claustrophobic need to maintain a relationship.
Venus in Leo – this is a dynamic aspect. With this placing, you can expect a fiery, dramatic, and passionate commitment to the relationship. The need for fulfilling sex life is important but everything can become over-emotional.
Venus in Virgo – this subject is naturally shy and modest and some inhibitions may have to be overcome in order for them to enjoy a complete and loving relationship. Once this has been achieved they make loyal and true companions but must always guard against a destructive tendency to complain and find fault.
Venus in Libra – someone with this placing has an absolute need for a loving, emotional relationship. Venus is the ruling planet of Libra as well as Taurus and highlights the relationship aspect of this person’s chart. There is much affection, love, and kindness waiting to be given by this person.
Venus in Scorpio – this aspect of Venus accentuates the need for a sexually fulfilling relationship that must also be passionate and romantic. The Scorpio’s sting of jealousy can always appear at a moment’s notice.
Venus in Sagittarius – a zodiac sign who has this position of Venus in his birth chart, as a rule, loves freedom and no one can limit his movement. He loves traveling, and it is something like a hobby for this person.
Venus in Capricorn – the two main associations of this sign and the planet – worldly ambition from Capricorn, emotion, and love from Venus – make an odd combination and anyone with this aspect will need to work hard to take their relationships beyond the materialistic level. Once this is achieved there can be constant results.
Venus in Aquarius – this is a complex placing that can result in the glamour of romance overshadowing the true expression of love and feelings. The emotions of this subject can be too cold and the sacrifices required by love, too great.
Venus in Pisces – indicates a strong need to express love and emotion and indeed the person can be completely influenced by this need and make mistakes because of it.
Astrological facts about Venus
Venus is the planet of love, in all respects. As we have just seen, it informs us about the nature of feelings, motivations, and emotions, but also about sensuality, gracefulness, charm, and beauty. Venus makes us sentimental, sociable, altruistic, faithful, possessive, passionate, free, or, on the contrary, dependent on others. In a man’s birth chart, Venus represents a lover, a friend, a loved one, a sister. In a woman’s chart, it is also a sister or a friend, but mostly it refers to the young girl the subject once was and the woman in love that she is now.
Finally, Venus is also indicative of the power of seduction and attraction which a person is able to be an expert on others in order to be loved or to attract attention. Venus governs the metabolism, blood circulation, functions of the kidneys, the throat, and the ovaries.
Astronomical facts about Venus
Venus is the second planet of the solar system, situated between Mercury and the Earth, approximately 110 million kilometers from the Sun. After the Sun and the Moon, it is the brightest heavenly body seen from Earth. It is also called “the Evening Star”. It takes Venus 243 days to rotate upon its own axis, in the opposite direction to other planets. It travels around the sun in about 224 days. A day on Venus is the same as 117 days on Earth. It is surrounded by a thick, cloudy atmosphere of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which generates a greenhouse effect on its surface. Venus’s temperature is about 475°C, day and night.
Also, you can check this interesting post about Venus – Venus in the Signs of the Zodiac.
Venus in the Zodiac
Venus’ day dignity is the sign of Taurus. Venus’ night dignity is in the sign of Libra. It is the ruling planet of both signs. Venus has its exaltation in the sign of Pisces, its detriment in the signs of Scorpio and Aries, and its fall in Virgo. Its daily pace is approximately one degree and its zodiacal revolution lasts about one year.