The person born in the year of the Tiger is quick-witted, with an energetic, brave, passionate nature, bold to the point of foolhardiness. They like taking risks and facing challenges. Those born under the sign of the Tiger readily allow themselves to be guided by emotions, but they have a sound instinct, which enables them to compensate for their lack of foresight and their disregard for logic and cold reasoning. The Tiger Chinese Zodiac has a sense of prestige and honor and a certain taste for hierarchy and precedence, as they are very stylish and imposing themselves. They can seem haughty at times but they have a generous heart and noble, idealistic feelings.
The Tiger likes to be noticed and to show off, they think they make an imposing figure and like to be respected and admired. Talking about the Tiger Chinese zodiac personality, we should mention that they never attempt to remain unnoticed. So, in their chosen profession, Tigers prove to be outstanding, enthusiastic, able to argue, to persuade, to win over and to sell better than anyone. They aim for supremacy, to become the boss, the undisputed leader, with a position in the public eye which they acquire thanks to their unique qualities and their talent which is apparent to everyone. However, this spirit of independence, these actions and impulsive reactions, and this character with ‘all his claws out and his hackles up’ sometimes makes for instability and maybe the reason for some difficulties with the relationship.

The Tiger person is not the type to climb down or find a compromise or make concessions, or agree to remain in a position which they consider to be second-rate or which will limit their sphere of activity and prospects. Furthermore, it is rare for a Tiger not to say what they think, simply and spontaneously, whether or not it is appropriate. However, just for fun, they can lose everything overnight, start again from scratch and launch themselves into a new adventure, as long as they can act without restraint.
The Tiger loves life and life is good to them. Good fortune often crosses their path. Consequently, as far as they are concerned, there is no situation that is hopeless for them and nothing is ever lost. What is more, the word ‘lose’ does not play a part in the Tiger’s vocabulary.
Let’s talk a little about the Tiger Chinese zodiac compatibility. The Tiger is compatible with the Dog and Horse. People who were born in the year of the Dog or Horse can build a good relationship with the Tiger. The Tiger is incompatible with a Goat and an Ox. In love, they are intensely idealistic, sensual and passionate. They long to meet someone out of the ordinary, whom they will love and who will love them in an exceptional way. They long to form and cultivate a special relationship and experience a love that is exquisite, legendary, and fabulous.
The Tiger likes to be seduced and to conquer the object of their desires and lust, the danger is that this can become an obsession for them and their sole preoccupation. Overnight they can leave everything to follow the one they love to the end of the world. But then you must not deceive the Tiger on, in the same way, without warning, they will take the opposite path and flatly renounce the one who has deceived or betrayed them, for good.
The Tiger – Chinese myths and symbols
The Chinese, too, have their guardian angels. They are always good or bad spirits and demons or deities with supernatural powers. Among the deities, the Five Tigers play an important role. They are guardians of the gates to the Way of Space, which are the four points of the compass and their center. In other words, the Five Tigers together form a magic cross, in the center of which is the Middle Tiger or Yellow Tiger, which is a symbolic figure for the Emperor of China, nicknamed the Middle Emperor.
As you can see, Christians were not the only ones to look upon the cross as a most important symbol, a representation of the visible world. The yellow color of the Middle Tiger is also associated with the Emperor of China who, like the Sun in the middle of the sky, was to be found at the center of the Chinese people’s world. But in Chinese symbolism yellow is also the color of the fertile earth and perfectly represents the supreme harmony of Yin and Yang.
The Five Tigers
Around the Yellow Tiger, in the center of the four points of the compass, are the four tigers who are guardians of the gates of the world and rulers of the seasons. The Blue Tiger to the east, sits amongst the spring flowers and plants, the Red Tiger to the south, has a halo of summer heat, the White Tiger to the west, reigns over the metals of autumn and, finally, the Black Tiger to the north, is the guardian of the regenerative waters of winter.
Chinese history is full of legends that refer to the five fierce, vigilant warriors, who are found at the four points of the compass and at the center of the world. They became famous for their bravery in protecting the Middle Empire from invaders, regarded as demons. What is more, the Five Tigers also symbolize the five elements or agents in the Chinese zodiac.
The Tiger Chinese Zodiac Characteristics
- The Tiger Chinese name: Hu (pronounced hoo)
- The Tiger Polarity: Yang
- The Tiger Element: Wood
- The Tiger Season: Winter
- The Tiger Month: February
Ql or periods of the year in the Chinese calendar:
Jin Zhi (the third period) 5 to 21 March.
Tung Chih (the 22nd period) 22 December to 5 January.
The Tiger astrological affinities
Traditionally, the Tiger Chinese zodiac can be compared to the sign of Aquarius. However, since the month of February covers the second and third decans of Aquarius and the first decan of the sign of Pisces, it shows certain similarities with a combination of the characteristics of these two signs, of these three decans and of their rulers. So, in astrological terms, the Tiger has affinities with Aquarius, Pisces, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, and the black moon.
The Luck of Tiger Zodiac
- The Tiger lucky Flower: Fortune chrysanthemum
- Lucky Number: 1,3,4 Your
- Inauspicious Number: 7,6,8
- The Tiger lucky color: blue, gray, white, orange
- Inauspicious Color: gold,silver,brown,black
- Lucky direction: south, east, southeast