The Tiger in Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits

Today we will check the personality traits of the Tiger in Zodiac signs. As we know, there are 12 signs, and all have different personality traits.

The Tiger in Aries

“When I want something I want it now and no delay!” That’s how the person born under Aries is thinking. Fire burns in him as surely as it does at the centre of the Earth. He is permanently in a state of turmoil. He is ready for action. He explodes at the slightest spark, the smallest difficulty or hitch and cannot bear anyone to retaliate or stand in his way. But he has tremendous charm and is liked for what he is.

The Tiger in Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits

The Tiger in Taurus

He has a golden touch and cannot help being successful, since he is so good at combining boldness with quiet strength, and ambition with bravery. When he gains ground, he doesn’t let go of it again. He conjugates the verb to have at all times but refuses to do the same with the verb to lose. He doesn’t like it much when people stand up to him. He can be generous, loyal and dependable, but a disappointment or betrayal makes him ruthless and unwilling to make any concession.

The Tiger in Gemini

You always wonder which of the two has the upper hand, the sign of Tiger or the sign of Gemini. In fact, the more honourably this person behaves and the more enthusiasm, intelligence, humour and aggressiveness he shows, the more superficial and unstable he becomes, refusing to accept any commitment or get involved in anything. From the Tiger, he often has the proud look of a thoroughbred. From Gemini, he gets his sharp, versatile mind.

The Tiger in Cancer

This individual feels caught in a stranglehold between his ambition and his longing to be free of moral and social conventions and his need for understanding, gentleness and a sense of security. This makes him timid and on the defensive. More often than not, he wants to conquer ground, which at another time, in the past, of course, was acquired or known to people other than him. To put it another way, he takes over the things that others before him have had and lost.

The Tiger in Leo

You can say without any play on words that the person born under Leo takes the lion’s share. It would be impossible to have a more feline, thoroughbred, magnetic, alluring and affectionate nature nor at the same time to be more ferocious, wild, domineering and ruthless than him. His stare may hypnotise you, but his claws can kill. Naturally, he cannot bear mediocrity; he wants to have the best of everything and live like a lord.

The Tiger in Virgo

It is obvious that the Virgo person has put a Bengal tiger in his temperament which is basically reserved, calculating and restless. With this addition, he acquires a certain brilliance, passion, ambition and desire to conquer, which is made all the more effective for being sifted or controlled through a very exacting, critical, mind. From then on, he knows precisely what his goal is and won’t rest until he reaches it, working methodically and gaining ground day by day.

The Tiger in Libra

This person likes the chase, in the sense that he takes pleasure in being on the lookout and taking his prey by surprise. But more often than not, he lets it go away unharmed, readily giving up any idea of attack and getting such desires out of his mind. Strong and sophisticated, ambitious yet intelligent, he has a passion for justice. He aspires to be the very best at everything, likes to please and needs to be surrounded by beautiful things.

The Tiger in Scorpio

The Tiger’s aggressive, savage, fierce and, at times, ruthless violence is smouldering under the shell of the Scorpion, whose stillness and great magnetic power of seduction can often be deceiving. But this person can sublimate or alter this instinctive, suppressed violence which he then uses as a source of energy and psychological strength, making him inexhaustible, indefatigable and invulnerable. Challenging anything taboo or forbidden and always pushing himself to the limit, nothing can stand up to him or escape his claws.

The Tiger in Sagittarius

He needs nothing less than wide, open spaces and a life of freedom, out in the wild. Sooner or later, he feels restricted. And then he has an urgent need for action, movement, conquest and expansion in every aspect of his life. Dull, everyday routine is not for him. Diplomacy and patience are not amongst his qualities. He loves conflict, competition and power. Neither is he afraid to gamble; he is actually prepared to lose everything in order to get what he wants.

The Tiger in Capricorn

The Capricorn person possesses all the qualities and attributes to succeed brilliantly in the line or branch of industry which he will have chosen. In fact, he is ambitious, brave, persistent, making no concessions, obstinate and indefatigable. He is good at cutting himself off from the world, distancing himself from other people and cutting himself off from his feelings, and he is convinced that he has only himself to rely on. With such a strong desire to ask nothing of and owe nothing to anyone, he obviously runs the risk of feeling quite alone.

The Tiger in Aquarius

By dreaming away his life, this character ends up living his dream. You couldn’t be more independent than him. But that doesn’t mean he has a completely self-sufficient life; he’s never indifferent to the admiration of others. So he doesn’t hesitate to play the hero, launch himself into impossible adventures or missions, carry out great deeds and defend widows and orphans. You can count on him to be somewhere where he’s not expected. But you can’t bank on his loyalty.

The Tiger in Pisces

Although the Tiger’s qualities can be useful to a Pisces, we are dealing with someone who knows how to fulfil his dreams, passions and ideas. The Piscean person is a fat, sophisticated, delicate, subtle, intelligent, sensual cat, suppressing emotions capable of erupting at any moment. He is charming but as he reaches for the sky, he should be aware of the abyss.