The Sun in the Signs of the Zodiac
The Sun in a birth chart tells us about instinctive behaviour and the development of the personality. Both express themselves in an individual way depending on which sign the Sun is passing through. So, let’s check the detailed information about the sun in the zodiac signs.
The Sun in Aries
The instinctive behaviour tends towards assertiveness and the expression of individuality. The personality often lacks the ability to concentrate. It is anxious, impatient, stubborn and tenacious. It needs action and outward expression. It is enthusiastic and optimistic; but, sometimes lacks judgement and is unable to assess possible obstacles. It is prone to outbursts of energy followed by periods of despondency.

- The Aries Man often has an intense temperament. He constantly needs new achallenges, new projects, and new arguments. He is daring but also moralistic and sensitive
- The Aries Woman is head-strong, active, independent, impulsive and sentimental. She likes to conquer or to be conquered
- Keywords: assertiveness, looking ahead, taste for conquests, courage, enthusiasm, confidence, lack of foresight, despondency, lack of perseverance.
Aries Sun Gemini Moon Leo Rising
The Sun in Taurus
The instinctive behaviour is calm, tranquil and moral seeking material security, living in harmony with nature by integrating into the environment and drawing the best from it. The personality expresses itself in a simple, natural fashion in order to benefit from the joys and healthy pleasures of life. It is very sentimental, both devoted and self-centred. It runs away from complications and makes sure that no risks are taken.
- The Taurus Man is realistic. He produces, builds and achieves. He is very attached to material possessions and surrounds himself with them for reassurance and security.
- The Taurus Woman is altruistic, very affectionate, dependent on her environment and attached to her possessions and material wellbeing.
- Keywords: healthy and peaceful life, moral and material wellbeing, common sense, need to aquire, to own, realism, conservatism, self-centredness, sentimentalism.
Taurus Sun Virgo Moon Leo Rising
The Sun in Gemini
The sun in the signs of the zodiac Gemini – The instinctive behaviour is to search for its identity. The personality is trying to find itself. It is spurred on by an intense curiosity, open to the outside world. It is sympathetic, communicative and intelligent. It adapts to varied and multiple situations. It is sensitive to all currents of ideas and thoughts but remains subjective and narcissistic. Often plays the game of life as an observer rather than living life itself.
- The Gemini Man either finds or loses himself according to the case, in the ideas, feelings or even the lives of others. He lives through them until he finds his own path to follow.
- The Gemini Woman’s mental agitation and deep emotional curiosity are offset by her sympathetic temperament and sense of humour.
- Keywords: sympathy, sociability, ability to adapt, nonconformism, sense of humour, curiosity, critical mind, mental agitation, instability, self-centred narciccism.
Gemini Sun Aries Moon Capricorn Rising
The Sun in Cancer
The instinctive behaviour expresses itself through the five senses and therefore through sensibility. The personality is steeped in a yearning for the past – more particularly for childhood when the sensitive faculties were heightened. It is gentle, tender, receptive, intuitive, affectionate and loving. It needs to be surrounded, protected and made to feel secure or it can become very defensive. It can be apathetic and lazy.
- The Cancer Man is not very aggresive but this is offset by a clever system of self-defence. Nontheless, he has certain moral or political power, capable of stimulating his ambition.
- The Cancer Woman is a mother and/or child figure who is very attached to her home, her family, her comfortable way of life and her roots.
- Keywords: gentleness, tenderness, receptivity, intuition, dreamy nature, idealisation of the past, fear of the future, childish behaviour.
The Sun in Leo
The instinctive behaviour is all-encompassing and powerful. It expresses itself in its raw state as a forceful need to function in all areas. The personality yearns for happy domination of circumstances and environment, and constant control over events. It is generous warmhearted, authoritarian, creative, enthusiastic, overproud, demanding, sometimes intransigent and exclusive. It is also very self-conscious.
- The Leo Man is naturally ambitious and dominating. He has a tendency to regard the world as his own and to think that others are awaiting him and his decisions.
- The Leo Woman is more generous but needs to be loved, approved of and admired wholeheartedly. Her feelings are noble.
- Keywords: generosity, warmth, magnetism, moral strength, self-consciousness, ambition, pride, domination, intransigence.
Leo Sun Aries Moon Capricorn Rising
The Sun in Virgo
The sun in the signs of the zodiac Virgo – The instinctive behaviour is introspective which implies self-questioning and even withdrawal. The personality is looking for a means to differentiate and distinguish itself. It studies, analyses, measures, calculates, selects, discriminates, organises, criticises and also criticises itself methodically and meticulously. It needs order, organisation and perfection. It is keen to protect itself and to be useful and practical.
- The Virgo Man is a perfectionist; he is sceptical and fussy. He is very attached to detail, order, morality and the sense of duty. He never leaves anything to chance.
- The Virgo Woman often endowed with subtle charm, is very sentimental despite her reserved appearance. She is very helpful.
- Keywords: analytical mind, sense of duty, self-sacrifice, sceptism, perfectionism, moral anxiety.
The Sun in Libra
The instinctive behaviour is searching for balance and harmony in every situation. It needs to express itself in a serene context, a pleasant setting. In all things, there is a search for a happy medium, a weighing up of inner and outer factors. This results in a calm and measured approach to situations and problems in relationships with others and the outside world. Making the best choice is an essential criterion for those born under Libra.
- The Libra Man is very charming, quiet and reserved but often more tenacious and capable of imposing his will and his sense of order and justice than you would be led to believe.
- The Libra Woman always tries to preserve harmony around her but is often torn between her life as an independent woman and her emotional dependence.
- Keywords: balance, harmony, sense of justice, choice, critical lucidity, sense of aestheticism, attachment to formal points of view, rules and laws, meticulousness, perfectionsim, indecision.
Libra Sun Taurus Moon Scorpio Rising
The Sun in Scorpio
The instinctive behaviour originates from the deep layers of personality, stimulating the psyche, its urges and regenerative strengths. Passionate and cold-blooded at the same time, it expresses itself through an individual search for the absolute, and a powerful desire to control and reach the bottom of all this sign always have a rich and driving potential for creativity, which they can put to good or bad use.
- The Scorpio Man likes to experiment, and has more ambition and pride than he leads us to believe. He is permissive but capable of exerting a subtle power over his family circle.
- The Scorpio Woman is seductive, intelligent and sensual. Her instincts are very developed, her intuition penetrating and her temperament passionate.
- Keywords: individualistic, aggresive or defensive, critical mid, instinctive intelligence, very inquisitive, cunning, resentful, jealous, manipulation, perversity, desire for calculated risk-taking.
The Sun in Sagittarius
The sun in the signs of the zodiac Sagittarius – The instinctive behaviour expresses itself with enthusiasm, warmth and generosity. It encourages the development of the personality which then benefits from all these assets and fulfils itself. The behaviour is happy, optimistic, and sometimes adventurous in order to expand or to each happiness. The temperament is jovial, willing and ingenious but with a tendency to oversimplify and run away from anything complicated.
- The Sagittarius Man may show himseld as an active conformist wishing to perpetuate principles tradition and convention, or conversely, as an adventurer and a gambler.
- The Sagittarius Woman is generous, and an explorer, and is convinced that, whatever may be, everything in life will turn out for the best, provided you really want it to.
- Keywords: happiness, joy in life, optimism, self-fulfilment, ingenuity, goodwill, active generosity, joviality, taste for challenge and competition, adventurous, simplistic outlook, conformism.
The Sun in Capricorn
The sun in the signs of the zodiac Capricorn – The instinctive behaviour has a defensive and sceptical attitude. The temperament is careful, defiant, patient and tenacious. Those born under Capricorn choose to distance themselves from others. They tend not to trust anyone. They are stoical, endowed with an analytical mind and a strong ability to concentrate. The reason is predominant. They find it hard to show their true feelings.
- The Capricorn Man is ambitious, proud, and works towards a unique objective which he becomes totally single-minded in his endeavours to reach.
- The Capricorn Woman is reasonable, lucid, stable but prone to occasional outbursts and does not give up easily. Maturity is a stabilising influence.
- Keywords: prudence, patience, wisdom, tenacity, lucidity, ambition, courage, sense of the concrete and logical, selfishness, harshness, moral uprightness, extreme pride, refusal to change or compromise.
The Sun in Aquarius
The instinctive behaviour is aimed towards the search for independence. The personality yearns to detach itself from its origins in order to plant its own roots, create its own values, assert its freedom of thought and action. Those born under Aquarius are very flexible which enables them to adapt to the most varied circumstances. They are original, opportunistic and can be unpredictable.
- The Aquarian Man is enthusiastic, daring, ready to embark upon new adventures or new experiences, lacking in self-respect, but very attached to his independence.
- The Aquarian Woman is flexible, permissive, understanding, emotional, makes her choices freely, but is often dependent on her circle.
- Keywords: independence, free spirit, permissive, solidarity, nonconformism, taste for avant-garde ideas, adaptability, opportunism, rebelliousness, instability when alone, lack of concentration.
The Sun in Pisces
The sun in the signs of the zodiac Pisces – The instinctive behaviour is sometimes stimulated, sometimes inhibited by intense emotional turmoil. The personality is inspired, sensitive, sensual, receptive, imaginative. It yearns for emotional or spiritual union. It is driven by a desire for the absolute which leads to generosity to the point of self-sacrifice. Pisces can be both changeable and adaptable, idealistic and elusive.
- The Pisces Man is intuitive and emotional. He needs to believe in himself, to love, to be useful, to feel in harmony and needed by his family circle
- The Pisces Woman is hyper-sensitive, devoted body and soult to her loved ones provided that they make her feel secure and give her the comfort she needs.
- Keywords: receptivity, emotional, inspiration, intuition, premonition, imagination, speculation, idealism, self-sacrifice, ability to change, anxiety, lack of realism, easily influenced, dramatization.