The Rat in Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits

In order to distinguish the signs of the Chinese zodiac from those of our zodiac, we shall call the latter Sun signs, since they match the distinct movements of the Sun around the Earth. By comparing and combining the information revealed by each of the twelve Sun signs, we shall obtain some new information. This will allow us to refine our interpretation of a birth chart and the study of the personality created according to it. If you were born in the year of the Rat, you will find here, depending on your sun sign, the character type which corresponds to your personality. So let’s check out the 12 Rat personalities in the zodiac signs.

The Rat in Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits

The Rat in Aries zodiac sign

Anxiety, feverishness, and impatience are the three keywords from which you can draw up the picture of this person who cannot keep still: always in a hurry, he has no time to wait, does not really know where he is going, but goes there at full speed and frequently ends up finding something or someone. For he is full of charm, attractive, sociable, sincere, upright and, all things considered, more careful and thoughtful than he appears.

The Rat in Taurus zodiac sign

He has a routine and he sticks to it. He hates change and the unexpected. Hardworking, brave, realistic, down-to-earth, and productive, he does not take any risks. His only concern is to live within a good safety margin. Loyal and steadfast in his choices and convictions as well as his feelings, he is peaceful and calm, but his fits of anger are unforgettable. When he has an idea in his head, a desire to satisfy, or an objective to reach, it is quite unusual for him not to achieve his ends.

The Rat in Gemini zodiac sign

With a glittering, mischievous look in his eye and a quick wit, he has an insatiable curiosity, He likes to play at being naive or inquisitive and to spread rumors to find out the truth, always in a light-hearted and amusing way, giving no hint of suspicion that he might be making use of other people to get what he wants. He has a talent for making himself indispensable while keeping his independence.

The Rat in Cancer zodiac sign

He is afraid of the outside world, other people, and the unknown. He is a hypersensitive person who feels vulnerable and so he shelters in the refuge of his home or cozy little nest. But he sometimes feels suffocated there. He escapes by way of his imagination, his dreams, his inspired creativity, or his great artistic sensitivity, which gives him a very sound, subtle, refined taste, which you cannot resist.

The Rat in Leo zodiac sign

He gives the appearance of someone who is always in control of himself, master of situations, sure of himself, and someone with great nobility of character, who will, without any doubt, manage to realize his ambitions. However, deep down, he is distressed and impassioned, selective and uncompromising – all weaknesses that reveal his lack of self-confidence and independent spirit and his need to be loved, acknowledged, and admired.

The Rat in Virgo zodiac sign

He does not get talked about much and yet his presence is always strongly felt. Firmly rooted in concrete, material reality, he works like a beaver, studies all the details, gets organized, reckons, calculates, and hoards his money. He hates gratuitous acts and often suppresses his desires, emotions, and feelings. But he hides an exuberant sensuality which gives him no defense against falling madly in love.

The Rat in Libra zodiac sign

He is intelligent and sensible with the knack of finding compromises, but he knows how to make choices, take decisions and act and react appropriately when circumstances demand. He hates confrontation and conflict so much that he knows how to disregard his desires and weaknesses to keep on friendly terms with people. Elegant and refined, he loves to seduce, but he is selective and loyal in his feelings.

The Rat in Scorpio zodiac sign

He knows how to enjoy his power of seduction to get what he wants from other people or to achieve his aims. He is very aware of his limitations and weaknesses and often uses them to his advantage to get the people he is talking to, to understand and help him. For all his great reserves of energy which are forever being replenished, he conceals an exclusive, passionate nature and a critical, provocative mind.

The Rat in Sagittarius zodiac sign

Energetic, optimistic, and idealistic, his good nature and natural willingness bring him luck and earn him a lot of success, as long as he gets support and regular encouragement from his family circle. Because, deep down, he lacks an independent spirit and is an anxious person. This is why he needs to be confronted with clear-cut situations. He does not care for complications.

The Rat in Capricorn zodiac sign

Realistic and materialistic, he knows what he wants and where he is going. He just needs time and to feel confident enough to come out of the shadows or from his refuge and bring his objectives out into the open or realize his ambitions. Steadfast in his ideas as well as in his convictions, and faithful in love, he quietly goes his own sweet way, certain of reaching his goal sooner or later.

The Rat in Aquarius zodiac sign

Here we have a free spirit who cannot stand restrictions, barriers, frontiers, constraints, or obstacles. He wants to draw attention to himself, go off the beaten track, explore the unknown and widen his horizons. He is sometimes extravagant, uncontrollable, and undisciplined. Indefatigable, nervous, and always on the go, he hates injustice and will follow his ideas ar objectives through to their logical conclusion, but he frequently changes them.

The Rat in Pisces zodiac sign

He often has a tendency for making you believe he is carrying all the misfortunes of the world on his shoulders. Being very skillful at this game, he gets other people to pity his lot and give him anything he wants. Hypersensitive and intuitive, engaging and mischievous, he has a heart of gold, is devoted to other people, and knows how to make himself liked. But he is poorly equipped for acting and living on his own and is often unrealistic or irresponsible. On the other hand, he can turn out to be creative and inspired and he is a bashful lover.