Taurus woman and Gemini man compatibility rates are not as high as we expect. So let us discuss their characteristics and find out the reasons for not to the high rate.
Gemini man is independent. He has his own opinion about everything, never gets affected by others, their words or anything, and also never tries to wrap his opinion on others. This man is brave, helpful, he will help anyone in need and never expect a response. This shows his kindness. The representative of this zodiac sign is sociable: he loves to communicate with people, he gains energy from them, develops, and takes a good example.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are in constant search of interesting people and vivid impressions. Generators of bold ideas, interesting interlocutors – they are appreciated for their ease of communication. So if you are in any kind of relationship with this man (friendship, just love, marriage), it will be interesting for you.
The Taurus woman is flexible, intelligent, she knows her pros and cons and understands which direction she will take for the next step. This woman appreciates consistency and reliability. She searches for a partner, with whom she can accept all difficulties and move on. She is a little down-to-earth, she doesn’t like risks. She is very charming, next to her many men try to show their best sides. The other important thing about this woman – she adheres to her principles, and it is a very hard thing for anyone to make her deviate from her principles.
The earth is not subject to air – this is its plus. Taurus is patient even with those hurricanes, which Gemini creates around themselves. It seems that the union of such a different pair in everything is doomed, but they not only manage to be with each other for a long time but also help to develop, reach heights for their partner.
As we understood, at first glance, they are very different: such a sociable and changeable Gemini man and a stubborn focused Taurus girl. But undoubtedly, both of them are very interesting personalities, and therefore the study of the inner worlds of the two halves in this pair can continue indefinitely, in any case, astrologers believe.
We know, that opposites often attract – there are, of course, reasons for this. They are like Yin and Yang – conquer each other with their unusualness and break the rules, and with this act, they make their lives richer and brighter, so love or marriage becomes interesting for them, and as they don’t get bored, they don’t think about breakups or divorce.
Taurus woman and Gemini man compatibility have their own advantages, which increase the rate of their compatibility. One of them is they are two different halves – calmness and emotions, reliability and surprise, ideas and their embodiment. One of the dreams, the other one realizes. Gemini has a lot of plans, and Taurus can help to make them true. The other advantage of this union is their mutual complement and learning. Gemini fulfills the daily routine of Taurus with energy, and in turn, Taurus woman inspires and helps Gemini man in those moments when he doubts one of his ideas.
So if we sum up such facts, we can say that Taurus woman and Gemini man compatibility is 70%. If they love each other, their feelings can become a marriage, so the marriage will be strong if both of them will try hard, work hard and never give up.