Taurus woman and Capricorn man compatibility has a high rate. The universe does a lot to make the life of this pair a happy one, so now let us find out due to which traits they become able to love, or make a marriage successful.
The Capricorn and the Taurus are the representatives of the Earth element, that is why it is such an easy thing for them to understand each other. These partners can talk about anything and never get tired of it, and what is interesting, they honestly are interested in their partner’s opinion about any question. This is the main reason why Taurus woman and Capricorn man compatibility has a high rate.

Taurus woman and Capricorn man are reliable and stable. Those are the main features that make these partners exceptional from the whole zodiacal circle. But we have to mention, that in the contact with the outside world Capricorn man is more closed and selective in communication.
Practically, these two have everything to make a beautiful and long-lasting companion if, of course, they love each other. Their marriage will be the happiest. Taurus woman’s and Capricorn man’s union is based not on the stormy passion, but on the peace and harmony. The most important thing here is that with the years Taurus woman’s and Capricorn man’s feelings do not decrease, but, on the contrary, become deeper and stronger.
Capricorn man is rather suspicious of the representatives of the stronger sex and often dwells a little “in himself”. He is convinced that a healthy dose of prudence and pragmatism is essential to achieving success in life. The zodiac sign Capricorn has an emotional dryness, which sometimes repels people, but not the Taurus lady. The partner manages to see the rich inner world of such a man who meets most of her “requirements”. In turn, the man is glad that his beloved adheres to the same basic life principles, and also shares many of his interests. In addition, Capricorn is seduced by the feminine softness of Taurus.
Taurus woman and Capricorn man compatibility look absolutely peaceful, some people even may call it “boring”. Really, in this union, we don’t see passionate sceneries. But within the union of partners, a stormy and rather active life flows. The characters of people burn under these zodiac signs sometimes “sing” in unison, sometimes contradict each other. But as these partners are wise, in most situations they do not a scandal, but try to find internal resources to resolve the conflict. There is a constant internal growth: Capricorn and Taurus develop and “mature”, as, in fact, their union.
A soft woman in this pair helps the chosen one to become more pliable and flexible, she can teach him to experience the pleasure of life and smoothly destroy the excessive categoricalness of his partner. And in turn, Capricorn subconsciously makes the Taurus woman more assertive, a little tougher.
Taurus woman and Capricorn man compatibility is strong due to their mutual respect for each other, to their love and marriage. They will never hurt each other without a reason. And the rate of this union is 89%.