Taurus Sun Virgo Moon Leo Rising
Let’s find out what character traits the combination of the Sun in Taurus, the Moon in Virgo and the rising Leo gives you. First, it gives intelligence, and most likely you will be a man of science. But for this you have to work hard, otherwise, you will not be able to achieve the result.
This combination gives you almost everything, you just have to take it. Remember that hard work is the way to success, so keep working on yourself and improving your skills. Also, if you don’t know how to find out your Rising sign then you can check this article – How to find out my rising sign.
Each part of these combinations gives different traits, so let’s check them one by one.

Sun in Taurus – What character traits does such a position of the Sun give a person?
If at the time of your birth the Sun was in Taurus, then you can already consider yourself happy. The house that rules you is not only an area of wealth, money, and property but also an area of hereditary inclinations, good physical abilities, and great abilities. All this is in you and you do not notice it, but when you take up any area of science or art, then, analyze even the simplest of your activities, you will notice that the work you have done differs from the work done by the rest.
However, if you do not show diligence, the qualities may not appear. To do this, they must devote themselves entirely to science and society. For you, the main task is to use what you have, in other words, the problem is how to use your abilities and capabilities correctly. If you manage to successfully implement what the Universe expects from you, then the cooperation that you create and participate in will flourish, and you will be rewarded at its true worth.
Moon in Virgo
If on your birthday the Moon was in the sign of Virgo, then you are an intellectual, do nothing without analysis, are pedantic, hardworking, and you have self-esteem. Along with these bright sides, you also have negative qualities: you are extreme, you are in great tension, which harms yourself and others, and you can argue and be insincere.
If the Moon is in the constellation Virgo, this means that she is visiting Proserpina. Such people cleanse the fatal debts of past lives. The Moon gives Virgo neatness and very great flirtatiousness. Excellent scouts and investigators, researchers, and journalists are born. The moon does not give you selflessness and fetters, especially during childhood. Some indecision can turn you into a silent and bashful person. But you, however, should not hold back your true feelings. You may show an unusual line of behavior when you condemn a loved one.
Leo Rising – What does this mean?
If your rising sign is Leo, then you will fill the house with expensive things, beautiful outfits, and amazing parties. You feel very happy, especially in the role of leader, you feel resentful when it doesn’t work for you. When you are not treated properly, you can become arrogant, passionate, and overconfident. You are confident in yourself and unshakably believe in your strength.
You are attractive, you have a wonderful sense of humor, and a unique delicate attitude toward children, and you please them with your great love. You have a beautiful head, shiny sparse hair, a dazzlingly bright smile, and a firm demeanor. Whichever path you choose, it will always be illuminated by the sun. The Sun gives you enthusiasm, generosity, creativity, sensitivity, and courage. Despite all this, you have selfishness, arrogance, and boastfulness.
As you see, the combination of the Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, and Leo Rising gives excellent character traits and is quite prosperous for a good start.