Let’s talk about Taurus personality traits and check the characteristics of this Zodiac sign. Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac. Taurus’ symbol is bull. He is noble and independent. They have power, but to be honest, they don’t hurry to use it. The reason is they are waiting for the most favorable opportunity, but their waiting sometimes ends badly. They miss their chance. The main key to their luck in life is hard work. Just work as hard as you can, and you will get what you want.

While making decisions, as in actions, they never hurry. This difference is good, but only when they have time or opportunity to think alone. So people of this Zodiac Sign don’t get influence from other people from outside, but sometimes they can take other people’s thoughts, words, and minds for their own.
One of the most striking expressions of Taurus personality traits – kindness. Usually, Taurus is kind, good-hearted, but in manifestations of their own kind, they are awkward, moreover, overly persistent. Besides that, sometimes they can impose too stubbornly their opinion on others, make them follow their example, and do not neglect other ways of influencing people. Taurus hate lies the most, but there can be times, that they can resort to it, and usually their words inspire confidence.
Taurus is doing everything to earn respect, to make people admire himself, therefore, they are very attentive to their clothes, they try to do everything to look as successful as possible, even if they are not.
One of the most important Taurus personality traits – Taurus is constant to his goals and affections. They are able to postpone the implementation of their plans, but we have to remember, that they never forget about their plans. Zodiac Sign Taurus usually wins their friends in adolescence, when their character is especially flexible, but he keeps them for life. Also, you can check these articles – Taurus Male Characteristics, Taurus Female Characteristics.
Usually, we can’t characterize Taurus by cruelty and a thirst for revenge, but be attentive, they never forgive or forget deception and betrayal. They are experiencing resentment so long and painfully. As the weaknesses of Taurus’ traits, that we can mention, are that Taurus is stubborn, uncompromising, and possessive.
Taurus women have an extremely strong spirit, even though they are gentle; we can’t call them aggressive. Taurus men incomprehensibly combine their calmness and discretion with sentimentality and romance.
For long-term relationships, the Taurus Zodiac Sign usually chooses those people, who are from the same environment, people, who can respond to their intellectual needs. If you have a Taurus lover, just collect all the patience and be prepared for anything. They are very sensual, all the senses are very important to them. But they need time for creating their own safe environment.
Home and family very matter for Taurus too. They can give their time, their attention, and their love to their family and relatives just to be safe, calm, and happy. They love their comfort zone, and sometimes that zone is into the family home. If you have a Taurus relative, just take care of them, let them feel your love. All they need is to be loved and needed as well. Their element is Earth, the ruling planet is Venus, colors are green and pink, flowers are rose, red poppy, their better compatibility is with Cancer and Virgo (but it can be complicated), their lucky numbers are 2,6,9,12,24.