Taurus man and Leo woman compatibility has not so high rate. Here we meet a Taurus man, who represents the element of Earth, and on the other hand – Leo woman – element of Fire. If we put earth on fire, it will be extinguished.
The Taurus man is attractive and decent, he gives the impression of a reliable and loyal man, trusting him is an easy thing. If representatives of this zodiac sign love a woman, they try to do everything for making their life better, and in marriage – keep it strong. Taurus man is purposeful but achieves his goals avoiding risks and extra spending. He loves stability. Something that Leo woman may not like is that he does everything slowly, but surely. So patience will always be a good choice.

Leo woman is bright, sociable. She likes to communicate with everyone, to learn something new, and also, to show herself. She knows how to earn money, and for that, she is ready to do a lot. She spends her own money with great joy. The representative of this sign is self-sufficient, clever. She loves to risk. This trait sometimes becomes a reason for quarrels in the union of these two zodiac signs, so the Taurus man and Leo woman compatibility rate mostly depends on it.
In any situation, Leo woman tries to be the best and the first. Anything she does must be at the top and everyone will start to talk about it. Otherwise, she can’t. She is a little bit show-off. She can represent herself like a woman that she is not. But she doesn’t care if you understand it. For her, life is a stage and she is the main character. So this is the reason why she tries to be a leader everywhere, but she can’t fool the universe as she does with people. Representatives of this sign always try to take the lead, while the crown of leadership belongs to Aries. So Leo can only stand under the shadow.
It is not easy for these two strong personalities to be together – they will only be helped by strong sincere feelings, passion, and time, which will allow them to decide who should take the leading place in the family. But we know, that in love or in marriage it is always a good idea to compromise. So the rate of such compatibility depends on how hard they will try.
Taurus is annoyed by Leo’s wastefulness, and a woman is indignant when faced with a man’s thrift, which seems to her to be stinginess. In a relationship with Taurus, Leo woman lacks a holiday, a rest, and a firework of emotions.
If you want to know more about Taurus and Leo union, you can also read this helpful article – Taurus and Leo Compatibility Percentage.
There are also many obstacles of a different kind, like in every inion, but still, this pair has a chance to become long, successful and, most importantly, happy. The dominant savior of this pair is Taurus. As patient he will be, as strong their marriage will be. Tired of the tricks of the Lioness, he leaves the family, and loudly slamming the door, even children will not save the marriage.
The advantages of this union are family wealth and success. Besides that, this pair also has common life values and goals, which means, that they have a way to go together. Leo and Taurus do not indulge in dreams – they work on their joint future. These traits of zodiac signs make Taurus man and Leo woman compatibility rate 65%. As hard you try, as better, it will be. So go on!