Taurus man and Gemini woman compatibility are one of the most interesting, as this union has not a bad rate of compatibility. In friendship, in love, or marriage they express themselves very well. With an external difference, what unites the “airy” woman Gemini with the “down-to-earth” man Taurus: presumably something close and kindred.
Gemini woman is lightness and fickleness, Taurus man is stability and fidelity. These two have different views and outlooks of life, but what is interesting, they are attracted to each other. The stars answer why this is happening.
For every Taurus man there is a special personal mantra – “If you fail, just try again”. At the first glance, this man may seem slow and awkward, but only until he sees a red flag. Let us remember how a bull attacks a matador – with his head held high and his nostrils flaring. The same way Taurus man meets the obstacles in his path – with pride and dignity. Representative of this sign is the embodiment of determination and strength.

Taurus man is also famous for his stubbornness. We have to mention, that it is his amazing perseverance, which allows him to complete the plans he has. Taurus man is a unique gentleman, who tends to be discreet and tries not to leave his personal comfort zone. In his life adventure will be sacrificed for practicality, and stability will triumph over change.
We know, that Gemini has a duality of personality. So the Gemini girl is two female halves combined into one whole. This means, that Gemini woman easily can in the blink of an eye go from kind Madame Jekyll to wild and unpredictable Miss Hyde. The power of representatives of this zodiac sign is that they are very intelligent and can discuss any topic with anyone started from politics, religion, up to travel, and then easily switch the conversations about the latest fashion celebrities. This woman loves to talk to replenish the piggy bank of ideas, but not to fill the silence with sounds.
Therefore, this combination of high intelligence, eloquence, and charm serves the Gemini woman perfectly. With these qualities, she becomes an excellent partner in love or marriage and an interesting friend. Therefore, this becomes another reason of
The marriage of these zodiac signs has an excellent chance of success. Both of them are purposeful, they love to achieve any goal together, which they also put together; they find the whole process interesting. Above everything and anything, they dream to be happy in marriage, so together they have to work hard for their love and happy marriage.
Taurus man and Gemini woman compatibility can be called a harmonic combination of Air and Earth. This means, that they have respect and compassion for partners. Woman wants to create a cozy and safe home, and man will offer her stability.
They have a lot of things to learn from each other: Taurus man will help Gemini woman to become more concentrated, and in turn, she will give him joy and excitement in his life. Taurus understands, that in partnership with Gemini woman he will achieve more. The same thing thinks Gemini women.
So the Taurus man and Gemini woman compatibility rate is up to 83%. Together they have a lot of things to do. So good luck!