Compatibility between the Taurus man and Cancer woman is harmonious and has a very high rate. The percentage of compatibility is 95%. This combination of the Earth element and the Water element has many mysteries in it. So let us find out what we have here.
Since the two can become friends fairly easily, this common conspicuous relationship will bring them closer to each other. Again both of them despise busy life and are involved in their own world ignoring everything that is happening outside it.
A great chemistry exists between a Taurus man and a Cancer woman with a very strong emotional bond keeping them closer to each other. Both are sensitive and very responsive and make up a pair of home birds, where Taurus craves a warm home, and Cancer happily provides it. On the other hand, a Cancer woman seeks security that the Taurus man will only be too happy to extend.

Taurus man and Cancer woman compatibility chart
As can be seen from this table, everything is almost perfect in this relationship. They love each other, they are good friends, and have common interests. All they have to do is take advantage of it and be happy.
Taurus man and Cancer woman | Compatibility score |
Love | High |
In bed | High |
Friendship | High |
Intellectual | High |
Emotional | Medium |
Trust | High |
Hobbies and interests | High |
Overall | High |
Taurus man and Cancer woman compatibility percentage
The overall percentage of compatibility between a Taurus man and a Cancer woman is 95%. At all levels of relationships, they have high performance. They trust each other, and this makes their union stronger.
Taurus man and Cancer woman | Compatibility percentage |
Love | 96% |
In bed | 97% |
Friendship | 94% |
Intellectual | 97% |
Emotional | 89% |
Trust | 97% |
Hobbies and interests | 95% |
Overall | 95% |
Love compatibility
Now let’s talk about the love compatibility of a Taurus man and a Cancer woman. These two are made for each other. They love each other and can be happy together. Compatibility in love is at a high level and is about 96%. Let’s check out some important characteristics of these zodiac signs and find out why they can make a good match.
Taurus man makes an impression of a “real man”, who is caring, attentive, and gorgeous. This man, like others, loves with his eyes. For him, it is important to have a beautiful and well-groomed woman next to him, but also, he pays high attention to woman’s intelligence.
As a representative of the element of earth, he thinks materially. If he starts to love any woman, he starts to think about marriage, family, and children, so he chooses a woman who can be the best at every level. He is very responsible, but one thing in him, that can make angry any woman, is that he is a little bit slow. Women have to move him from his place.
The zodiac sign Cancer woman is very cheerful and sociable, but sometimes she can be modest and be close to everyone and everything. She likes to be in her comfort zone. She searches for a man who will give her stability, and in this case, the Taurus man is the best for her, agree? She likes the comfort of home, it should be cozy and safe. So here both zodiac signs think the same way, which makes the rate of their compatibility higher.
For this woman Taurus man is ideal, and in turn, her spontaneity and tenderness drive him crazy. Both of them value decency, stability, and loyalty, which is why it is such an easy thing for both of them to make the other one happy. The beginning of their relationship is wonderful – gifts, attention from a man, and his condescension to Cancer’s whims. So she is grateful for his patience and always is happy to create comfort at home.
The most important thing for their relationships of love or marriage is to never get bored because everything is very good, as a Taurus man may want freedom, and for a Cancer woman, it may seem that she has a lack of spiritual closeness with a partner, and her chosen one is not as ideal, as it seems at first.
Taurus man and Cancer woman love at first sight
A Taurus man can fall in love with a Cancer woman at first sight. The fascination and charismatic styles of Cancer will always persuade her partner to move towards her partner. Taurus man will feel some magnetic force that will take him to his partner. The imaginative nature and creativity of Cancer woman will be loved by the Taurus man.
Since both are emotional they will fulfill each other’s needs with loyalty and appreciation. Both of them have the capability to explore new avenues of romance and this will give stability to their relationship.
The Taurus man longs for a warm and cozy home, and the Cancer woman will always be there to provide it. On the other hand, she gets her much-needed security in the arms of a Taurus man. A few hiccups here and there could arise but that will not matter at all as both will be devoted to each other.
Taurus man and Cancer woman in bed
The percentage of compatibility in bed between a Taurus man and a Cancer woman is 97%. It’s a very high level of compatibility, so they will be almost ideal in bed.
Both of them have a sexual attraction to each other and this will be a great factor in creating a harmonious family. The Cancer woman is very feminine, and the Taurus man loves and appreciates it.
The nights for them will be very long and romantic and this will create a unique atmosphere. This sensitive woman knows how to satisfy her man, she feels him with her whole body and soul. The Taurus man will be looking forward to the next night.
Are Taurus man and Cancer woman soulmates?
The answer is simple, yes, they are soulmates. Taurus and Cancer have similar principles, the vision of an ideal, strong family. They have a common dream, and when they understand, that it will become true only in their joint future, both of them become ready for everything. They live in their special ideal world – fair, humane, and happy.
They will be able to meet their differences through their extraordinary adoration and relationship style. There will not be any lack of passionate environment for love between these two very much compatible zodiac signs.
Life of the duo would be full of romance, love, passion, loyalty; and smooth sailing to say the least.
Taurus man and Cancer woman problems and break up
Even this harmonious couple may have problems and breakups. Unfortunately, nothing is perfect in our life. Therefore, they should be aware of the problems that may arise during their relationship and know how to prevent a breakup.
Both desire a personal love zone and will be able to provide the partner with the same. The only moments of discomfort in the relationship could be when he tries to control things that she might dislike. This may cause some problems.
Once the two are able to overcome such feelings, the relationship will be highly compatible and also enhanced substantially by the composed ambiance that both Taurus man and Cancer woman has. It will feel their life with many exotic moments and will bring up wonders in their simple lifestyles.
Taurus man and Cancer woman love their family, so a breakup is not for this couple. They avoid unpleasant situations, and small problems do not increase, and then become a reason for breaking up the relationship.
They are in strong compatibility and there will not be any great problem for them to live together happily with a sound life. The dying need for a home and its stability will compel the Taurus man to depend on the Cancer woman because she has some guts to do so for her partner.
One of the advantages of Taurus man and Cancer woman compatibility is that they hate quarrels, so you will rarely meet any of it between them. Misunderstanding is quickly solved, more often Taurus makes concessions in minor everyday matters.
The other advantage is their physical compatibility. Taurus’s main task is to make his partner happy. Cancer woman trusts a Taurus man, with him she becomes calmer. For a Cancer woman, it is very important if a man can satisfy all her needs. It is not just about material goods. Taurus knows how to give his beloved a star from the sky, even if sometimes he doesn’t understand why she needs it.
So, if we summarize all of the above, we come to the conclusion that it is normal that the percentage of compatibility between a Taurus man and a Cancer woman is up to 95%.