The Taurus man and Aquarius woman compatibility rate is not as high as expected. In love or in marriage sometimes they meet difficulties or misunderstandings, which can lead them to quarrels, or in the worst case – breakups.
In the union of these zodiac signs, we meet materialism and idealism, solid earth with Taurus and mobile air with Aquarius, loving Venus and changeable Uranus. These different characters, at the first glance, may seem incompatible, but there are always chances for everyone because the power of transformation of love performs an ordinary miracle. The Taurus man and Aquarius woman compatibility becomes possible, due to a common language, that these signs find without much effort. But the rate of such compatibility, anyway, is fluctuating.

The Aquarius woman is a bright star in the whole zodiac circle. This woman has an attractiveness that is difficult to explain. As proof of this, we can say that a lot of friends from various strata of society always gather around such girl. This woman is not deprived of male attention either. Men are attracted by her charm and feline grace, pleasant voice, and constant curiosity.
Perfectly developed intuition if Aquarius woman allows her to predict the future and to be in the place of an important event even before it begins. The representative of this zodiac sign has amazing insight; she is a bit of a witch by nature. For the prophetic gift, such women were burned in the fire in ancient times. But now this woman acts in the best way in the relationships of love, marriage, or in friendship.
The Taurus man is a reasonable and decent man, who is not inclined to build illusions. This man knows what he wants from life and knows how to get it, so he symmetrically moves towards the goal. A healthy vanity and natural tenacity help him to strive for the best in any situation. Taurus man gets material well-being not from Fate; they achieve it thanks to their talent and hard work. With a sixth sense, they find a gold mine, to where they direct their extraordinary abilities.
The main value of the Taurus-Aquarius pair is mutual respect. These two certainly realize that they are very different from each other in character, but respect for the partner helps to connect strongly the two different halves into one whole. Despite the reverent relationship, they manage to keep the necessary distance, which gives everyone the personal space they need.
This couple is distinguished by tact, delicacy, which they manage not to lose even after long years of marriage. Fighting for their love together, with years they become so close people that the need for any distance disappears. When they successfully overcome the test, they calm down, relax internally, and do not feel fear of losing each other.
In this unity when love is much strong, any problem can be solved, so nothing can bother them to build a happy life. Mutual understanding and respect are the key to a heavenly life for any union, and this pair is not an exception.
If we sum up all we know about this pair, we can say, that the Taurus man and Aquarius woman compatibility rate is 73%. So they have a lot to do for their love.