The Sun enters the Taurus zodiacal constellation on the 20th of April and stays there until the 21st of May. Under this star sign are born people with a kind heart, who are passionate, purposeful. These traits are especially related to the Taurus male characteristics. The male representatives of the Taurus star sign know very well what they want from this life, and also know the ways of reaching them. For the reaching of their goals, they use their physical power and spiritual strength.
In the ancient epic, the Taurus image is reflected in the myth of Zeus’s son Dionysus. He is depicted as a violent youth with the head of the bull, crowned with ivy and grapes. This symbol was usually depicted playing the lyre in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs.
The element of the Taurus sign is the Earth. The earthly firmament in astrology distinguishes stability and trust. The Earth element gives to the Taurus male characteristics such traits, as endurance, practicality, diligence, and duty. This element endows him with very good organizational skills and responsibility. Guarantees for the future are necessary for the down-to-earth Taurus, as the solid ground underfoot.

Favorable colors for the Taurus man are shades of green, yellow, and blue. They also have talisman stones, like agate, quartz, alexandrite, jade, coral. Also, the favorable digits for the Taurus man are 2, 4, 6, and all their combinations as well.
In general, the Taurus man can be described as a kind and smart man, who uses only his personal power and abilities for the realization of his goals. Usually, they are patient and calm, and rarely let themselves show emotions. But when Taurus’ endurance comes to the end, you run the risk of facing an angry bull. His anger is passionate but doesn’t last long.
This sign is specialized with its representative’s stubborn nature, and true depending on the circumstances, interpret him is possible in different ways – it may have both positive, and negative “color”. When the talk is about the family’s well0being, to which this man tries to reach no matter in what way, it is undoubtedly a plus. But if he stubbornly indulges his bad habits – a good thing in here, as we can see, is less.
The striving for comfort makes this man a real sybarite; the Taurus male characteristics are also specialized with the love of tasty food, five-star hotels, and clothes from famous brands. He evaluates works of art with the same heightened criteria. You may never doubt that the Taurus man has his personal rate, places that are only for the best photos, books, and films.
Let us mention some benefits of the Taurus male characteristics. For example, their stability, creative abilities, realism, charismatics, and ability to work hard. With the combination of all these traits, this man becomes one of the most interesting and wanted men among whole the zodiacal constellations. They know their worth, love themselves, and want a life and a partner that is worth them. This is why when they put high standards, we cannot argue with them.