The zodiac sign Taurus is the second in the zodiac circle. The Sun appears in the Taurus zodiac sign from April 20, to May 20. So if you were born this time, then you represent this zodiac sign. The Taurus represents the element of earth, which endowed him with some traits that are common for all representatives of the earth element. Besides that, the ruling planet for this sign is Venus, the planet of love, so you already know what kind of characteristics the representatives of this sign have. So let’s discuss it.
There is one defining characteristic that can be found in all of the signs, and that is the representation of polarity: positive or negative, inward or outward, impassive or expressive, introvert or extrovert. Though it might not be accurate, this telltale characteristic of each sign can be regarded as the simplest way to determine a sign’s basic traits. Taurus falls under the most accurate personality polarity – negative. Being on a negative polarity does not mean that Taurus is doomed to be a pessimistic person; in fact, the sign is considered to be one of the most inwardly positive signs of the zodiac.

- Taurus Ruling planet: Venus.
- Taurus Element: Earth.
- Taurus Symbol: Bull.
- Taurus Season: Spring.
- Taurus Polarity: Yin.
- Taurus Color: Green.
- Taurus Flower: Gentian.
- Positive Traits: Concentration, Sense of duty, Intelligent, Kindness.
- Negative traits: Lazy, Stubborn.
- Taurus Metal: Copper.
- Taurus Gemstones: Esmerald and coral.
- Taurus Best Match: Cancer.
- Taurus Worst Match: Sagittarius.
- Taurus Anatomical associations: The mouth, neck, nape, and taste buds.
The element of the earth gave the representatives of the Taurus zodiac sign conservatism, stubbornness, and practicality. These representatives confidently stand on the ground, and never fly in the skies, as they always have real goals. Despite the seeming easiness, in the soul of the Taurus sign, there are many bright specialties. Why it is not easy, and at the same time very good to be next to this zodiac sign?
Table of contents:
- Taurus element
- Taurus planet
- Astral Chart
- Two types
- Taurus and money
- Qualities of Taurus
- Personal life of Taurus
- Taurus and mythology
- The bull
- Conclusion
Taurus element
Earth is the defining element of Taurus. As with the other earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn), this sign is said to be both sensual and practical (probably where the term “down to earth” originated from). Earth signs are also known as being associated with fertility. That is why during the Grecian times of the gods and the goddesses, The Bull is one of the strongest symbolic images of fertility.
Taurus planet
Venus is known to be the governing planet of the sign of the Bull. Venus’s influence on the sign is mainly through creativity, as people born under Taurus are known to be very creative individuals. They are not only known for their outward creativity, but they mainly express all of their creative talents by being in total coordination with themselves.

Being a sign ruled by the planet Venus with Earth as its corresponding element, Taurus is known to be very sensual. They are also very slow to anger because of their known stability and inner peace. However, they can also become very possessive at times. Since individuals born under this sign are known to be “bullheaded”, they will not stop until they achieve a certain goal in mind, no matter what it is and who they step on. This stubborn nature would be their undoing.
Although very sensual, they are also known to be the quietest and gentlest people among the horoscope signs. They are also very soft-spoken but very much aware of their own actions because of their inward knowledge.
Astral Chart
If your astral chart is harmonious as a whole, we can find some of these qualities: good management of resources, concentration, sense of humor, serenity, stoicism, ability to work, and sense of duty.
Symbolized by the ox, Taurus represents the consolidation of the spring and the density of the vegetation. As a sign of Earth, Taurus are rational and materialistic in their approaches, that is, they believe in what they can see or verify and they know the importance of the material and economic bases for life.
Two types of Taurus
There are two basic types of Taurus: one driven by the passion for life, to enjoy it and perhaps with enough momentum; Another, on the other hand, calm and peaceful. Although both attitudes can be mixed in the same Taurus.

You usually have the senses developed or skin-deep, distilling, above all, sensuality. You like to enjoy the good of life, being one of the most hedonistic signs of the Zodiac. However, it is not uncommon to find natives of this sign that you know how to live with simple tastes. Your qualities for the decoration or the art are notorious, being able to develop a prolific work.
Conservative temperament by nature, you tend to always act in the same way and hardly change your scale of values. This is what you can do, some of you are slow or lazy, but, in return, you will also have a great determination to achieve your goals. Tranquility and patience are two of your best weapons although you can fall into fixation and stubbornness.
As for your feelings, just as you revolve around the issues that obsess you, you are intensely faithful to the family, friends, or yours, to whom you give yourself unconditionally. However, you are usually possessive and jealous.
Taurus and money
Sometimes it is exaggerated to talk about your love of money. You tend to be much more noble and generous than you think, but only in necessary cases, precisely because you know that the section of expenses and profits is fundamental for life.
What happens is normal within the evolutionary process that represents the Zodiac: after being born and having our own body (Aries), we try to breastfeed for subsistence (Taurus); This vital necessity marks the imprint of the subconscious of Taurus, conditioning you so that, throughout life, you seek well-being that, for some of you, is to pursue wealth or storage.
Qualities of Taurus
The Taurus zodiac sign is endowed by the universe with some traits that are shown in himself from the time he was born. Those are responsible and hardworking, and due to these traits, they put a high plank for the surrounding people as well, expecting them to be the same as they are. They will never go to unjustified risk for reaching their goals.
Measure seven times, cut one – this is about them and this is the motto of Taurus, because before getting determined to do a responsible step, they try with a passion to discuss all pros and cons, and only after that act in some way. Also, check detailed information about this sign characteristics on this page – Taurus Personality Traits.
The most stubborn in the entire zodiac
The Taurus people maybe are the most stubborn ones in the whole zodiacal constellations. They are not flexible, and even more – they do not want to depend on the circumstances. They are conservators, and for them, it is hard to accept something new, be it an event or an impression.
For them, it is easier to follow the rules of this world; those rules that were created in their mind from childhood. This kind of people usually impose their opinions, very rarely react to criticism, and do not accept the existence of other points of view, and other outlooks on life.
Taurus can’t betray
Despite all that, the Taurus zodiac sign always supports the ones he loves, deeply feels, and empathizes with them. They are not able to betray, as they themselves never can take it. These representatives remember old things very long, and practically never forget them.
They are vulnerable, never accept lies and falsehood, and love when people say everything to their faces. Typical Taurus loves luxury things and comfort, and with pleasure create their comfort themselves searching for every detail very carefully.
Personal life of Taurus
Talking about the personal life of Taurus, let’s check the compatibility of Taurus with other signs of the zodiac. The Taurus sign is compatible with the representatives of the water element – Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. They do not have a bright attraction for the Taurus but also don’t contradict the nature of this sign. They can attract this sign at those times when he gets tired of the usual thoroughness of his life.
The most unsuccessful compatibilities this sign makes with Aquarius, Libra, and Sagittarius. It is hard for the representative of the earth element to make the air go down to its level, and to see the world the way it is – a beautiful reality, not a concept to be analyzed. You can check detailed information about this sign compatibility on this page – Taurus Compatibility. Anyway, each sign has its unique traits, and in every compatibility, both have to remember about it and accept their partners the way they are.
Taurus and mythology
There are many allusions to the Bull in Greek Mythology: it is commonly associated as being bull Zeus took the form of when he abducted Europa. It is also known to be derived from the Minotaur, a wild beast trapped inside the Labyrinth and slain by Theseus. It is also known as the Cretan Bull, which was made famous by being part of the Twelve Labors of Hercules.
The bull
Individuals who are born between April 20 to May 20 are under the zodiac sign of Taurus. This sign known as “The Bull” is considered by astrologers to be a “fixed” sign when it comes to cardinal qualities because the period it falls into is the freshest of the seasons when the Earth is most green and fresh. This means that Taurus has stability, is very resistant to change, and has a tendency to take things slow and enjoy the company of friends and acquaintances.

Taurus is well known for being inwardly peaceful, patiently grazing about and minding its own business unless otherwise bothered, which will then cause it to maim and rampage, just like a taunted bull.
Now let’s collect all of the above in one place and draw conclusions. One of the more prominent Taurus traits is their deep sense of caring and compassion. Loyal and dependable, this member of the zodiac is well known for being a nurturer. Because of this, it is wise that the Taurus use discretion when it comes to whom they are going to nurture. There are many individuals out there that would attempt to take advantage of the Taurus for this, ultimately wearing them out to the point where they had no energy to nurture themselves.
In addition to this, the Taurus can be a bit headstrong, but this probably plays a great part in their innate sense of stability.
Another component of this zodiac sign is that they can be very possessive when it comes to their surroundings in the things that they own. Taurus consider the people in their lives and the possessions that they hold as an extension of their own personal energy, and if any of these are treated with disrespect, then it is not going to bode well for that individual for the Taurus will not be shy about protecting what they believe to be theirs. Aside from this, the Taurus sign thrives on routine and stability; it is what they set their compass by.