The Sun enters the constellation of Scorpio on the 23rd of October and stays there until the 22nd of November. The main ruling planet for this sign is the Pluton. In astrology, this planet symbolizes death and the following recovery. The Pluton endows its representative with power, gives the ability to overcome all the difficulties without falling down and to follow their dreams without depending on circumstances. The temperament of the people, who are under the affection of Pluton, is quite difficult. They constantly strive for leadership and dominating. These traits are especially shown in the Scorpio female characteristics.
The Second ruling planet for this sign is Mars, which gives its representative’s power and energy and gives them the ability to make important decisions. The element of this sign is the Water. Among all the watery signs the Scorpio is the most unpredictable and purposeful.

About the stone talismans, we can say that the hematite is the best one to calm down the stormy Scorpio female characteristics. From difficulties and unfortunate things the Scorpio man can be protected with the cat’s eye and yellow topaz, and the last one also helps them to develop their intuition. The Scorpio female characteristics are known for their unnecessary anxiety. Here the sapphire stone can help them to calm down. The favorable numbers for the Scorpio women are 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 21, 100, 666. Favorable colors for them are blue, yellow, purple, red.
The Scorpio is one of the strongest and brightest signs in the zodiacal circle. The woman born under the star sign of Scorpio has a rude and independent characteristic. For this woman, there are no rules and conditions. She makes her own tules all by herself, and never follow the opinion of others. The Scorpio female characteristics are described with their specialty. They are beautiful, passionate, and unbelievably attractive. They have a beautiful charm and a very rich inner world.
From childhood, this woman develops her inner world, and thanks to the circumstances she has got a strong will-power. It is seen even from her appearance, as she has a confident walking, her eyes can see through the heart of others, and their actions are determined. This kind of Scorpio female characteristics are even stronger than some men’s born under the other zodiac signs.
This woman is self-confident. She has intuition, due to which she can predict the upcoming events before they happen. To this adds this woman’s analytical mind, and here comes to the boom!! She is at the top. With her extra energy, the Scorpio woman is able to give the meaning event to the most meaningless thing.
The main disadvantage of the Scorpio female characteristics is their love to let down their enemies. They can say even the worst words, and never feel bad for it, as they don’t care. They don’t even think what others can think, or feel. They need to say something, so they say. Because of this, their partners need to be tolerant, and balanced, and to be as patient as they can.
Their character is not an easy one if we don’t call it hard. All their lives are a fight between the pursuit of nobility and low motives. With all her energy she tries to reach the goals she set, but over and over again feels the sparks of anger, revenge, and hate.