Sit comfortably, because now we are going to talk about Scorpio compatibility, chart, percentages, and more. Scorpio is the most mysterious sign of the entire zodiac, which makes the relationship with them a difficult puzzle for a potential companion. About representatives of this sign, we can say, that they are distinguished by polar inclinations: we see altruism combined with uniform egoism, and complicated emotions are messed up with analytical calculation. Difficult to understand, isn’t it?
The most surprising thing about Scorpio is that all these above-mentioned qualities can be present in one person, introducing an element of unpredictability into his partner’s life. But always remember the thing we will say in the next sentence. From which side of Scorpio’s personality you encounter, it is 99% impossible that he will make any concessions. This is an absolutely independent and uncompromising sign.

Table of contents:
- Scorpio compatibility
- Scorpio compatibility chart
- Scorpio compatibility percentages
- Scorpio man compatibility
- Scorpio man compatibility chart
- Scorpio woman compatibility
- Scorpio woman compatibility chart
- Scorpio and Aries
- Scorpio and Taurus
- Scorpio and Gemini
- Scorpio and Cancer
- Scorpio and Leo
- Scorpio and Virgo
- Scorpio and Libra
- Scorpio and Scorpio
- Scorpio and Sagittarius
- Scorpio and Capricorn
- Scorpio and Aquarius
- Scorpio and Pisces
- Conclusion
Scorpio compatibility
Scorpio’s compatibility is very good with related water signs (Pisces, Cancer). In this kind of union, he feels like fish in water. Here he does not need any kind of masks, here he has the freedom of being himself, so he can open all his secret spiritual strings. This is the most honest and open relationship of all possible combinations.
For a representative of the water element, it is more convenient to make a partnership with the signs of the earth element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). In this case, such unions can be likened to clay on a pot circle. Scorpio compatibility is harmonious with Taurus because both of them have such energies. This is the main reason why the most compatible zodiac sign for Scorpio is Taurus. Both of them love and need comfort, safety, and consistency. The similarity of these signs expands its scope, while both of them belong to the group of fixed signs, and the most important thing is that the main strengths of these signs are stability and determination. Scorpio needs Taurus, because he calms Scorpio’s obsession, while Scorpio stimulates Taurus’ imagination, fantasies, and feelings.
The other very compatible zodiac sign for Scorpio is Virgo, in which Scorpio searches and finds the loyalty he needs. On the other hand, Virgo finds the fascinating mystery he is out of mind about, so this union comes to meet all the needs of these signs. As we already know, Scorpio loves to make all decisions by himself, but in this union, in the end, he trusts a devoted Virgo to make important decisions. Please, remember, that Scorpio is such a cautious sign, so this is a great act from his side.
Scorpio compatibility is good with Capricorn, too. They share ambitious inclinations. This union represents such a powerful force, which is capable to break any obstacle in its way. Both of them tend to be wary and take a while to get comfortable with each other.

Scorpio in Love
Water signs in the zodiac have a strong emotional connotation, and Scorpio isn’t an exception. The great influence of water means that Scorpio’s love is very deep, and does not lend itself well to logic. We won’t be mistaken if we say that sometimes feelings of Scorpio can be compared to real obsession.
An ocean of passions can boil under the smooth surface of the water. He falls in love deeply, sometimes even can lose his mind, and with the influence of the love he can change up to be unrecognized. Also, if you are interested in Astrology Services, you can check our partner website here – Professional Astrology Reports.
This zodiac sign in love is very passionate and very jealous, but it does not preclude that they are devoted, loyal, and caring. Just wait until the moment, when Scorpio will feel happy, and then he will make his partner feel like the most important person in the whole universe.
Scorpio compatibility chart
Below you can find the Scorpio compatibility chart. This will help you better understand Scorpio’s relationship with other zodiac signs. As you can see from this chart, there are three signs which have a high score of compatibility with Scorpio. These signs are Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces. These couples can build long-term relationships and create good families.
Scorpio has a medium score of compatibility with Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Scorpio’s compatibility with Aries, Leo, and Libra has a critical score, which means that they should avoid this type of relationship.
Scorpio compatibility chart | Love | Friendship | Interests | Communication | Intellect | Overall |
Aries | Critical | Critical | Critical | Critical | Critical | Critical |
Taurus | High | Medium | High | High | High | High |
Gemini | Medium | Low | Low | Medium | Low | Low |
Cancer | High | High | Medium | High | Medium | High |
Leo | Critical | Critical | Low | Critical | Low | Critical |
Virgo | Low | Medium | Medium | Medium | Medium | Medium |
Libra | Critical | Critical | Critical | Critical | Critical | Critical |
Scorpio | Medium | Medium | Low | Medium | Medium | Medium |
Sagittarius | Low | Medium | Medium | Medium | Low | Medium |
Capricorn | High | Medium | High | Medium | Medium | Medium |
Aquarius | Medium | Medium | Medium | Medium | Medium | Medium |
Pisces | High | High | High | High | Medium | High |
Scorpio compatibility percentages
Now it’s time to check the compatibility percentages. As you might guess, all scores are displayed as percentages in the Scorpio Compatibility Percentage Chart.
The highest percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Pisces. It is 94%, so this couple can create an ideal family. At the start, they have every chance to be happy and create a harmonious family. Scorpio and Libra have the lowest percentage of compatibility. It’s 44%. They are not compatible, so before taking any serious steps, they should think carefully.
Scorpio compatibility percentages | Love | Friendship | Interests | Communication | Intellect | Overall |
Aries | 50% | 56% | 44% | 52% | 48% | 50% |
Taurus | 93% | 87% | 93% | 90% | 92% | 91% |
Gemini | 76% | 68% | 63% | 71% | 67% | 69% |
Cancer | 92% | 93% | 88% | 90% | 87% | 90% |
Leo | 40% | 55% | 68% | 55% | 67% | 57% |
Virgo | 65% | 82% | 80% | 82% | 81% | 78% |
Libra | 40% | 44% | 46% | 42% | 48% | 44% |
Scorpio | 84% | 83% | 65% | 85% | 78% | 79% |
Sagittarius | 65% | 76% | 86% | 87% | 66% | 76% |
Capricorn | 91% | 80% | 90% | 83% | 86% | 86% |
Aquarius | 85% | 80% | 83% | 85% | 82% | 83% |
Pisces | 95% | 95% | 97% | 94% | 89% | 94% |
Scorpio man compatibility
Scorpio man compatibility holds that they are very obsessive and calm about every aspect of life. If someone succeeds in getting nearer to them then she would enjoy a lot of love.
The Scorpio man is incompatible with the Aries woman, in most cases, they cannot create a harmonious family. A Taurus woman is very attractive to a Scorpio man and they can be a happy and beautiful couple. A Scorpio man cannot get along with a Gemini woman because both believe in different theories of life and their thoughts diverge.
Cancer women are the best perfect match for Scorpio men because both have the same emotional attitude and can understand the requirements of each other. Scorpio man has the same inflexible, self-important and resolute nature as that Leo woman, so they can be a good match however sometime this similarity can also become a problem. Scorpio man has similar nature and realistic approach toward life as the Virgo woman so they are a good match.

The Scorpio man may be the perfect match for the Libra woman due to the Scorpio man’s deep and extreme loving nature, but the Libra woman should avoid his isolated and unfriendly nature. A Scorpio man pairs well with a Scorpio woman because both share the same characteristics and have the ability to accept love and give the same in return. The compatibility of the Scorpio man suggests that they have a completely opposite personality to the Sagittarius woman because the Scorpio man wants strength in their relationship, however, the Sagittarius is very cool, so they cannot get along with each other.
A pair of a Scorpio man and a Capricorn woman is a good couple because both people are receptive and love each other. The Aquarius woman has a different character and a different point of view on life, so they do not suit the Scorpio man. The compatibility of the Scorpio man says that they are a couple for the Pisces woman, they love each other, and these two signs have everything in a relationship.
Scorpio man compatibility with other signs
Scorpio man compatibility chart
The Scorpio man compatibility chart displays the percentage of Scorpio man compatibility with other signs. As you can see, the best choice for this man is the Pisces woman. Their compatibility percentage is 96%.
Scorpio man compatibility chart | Love | Friendship | Interests | Communication | Intellect | Overall |
Aries woman | 40% | 56% | 49% | 52% | 48% | 49% |
Taurus woman | 88% | 87% | 93% | 90% | 92% | 90% |
Gemini woman | 67% | 70% | 63% | 66% | 69% | 67% |
Cancer woman | 90% | 91% | 89% | 90% | 90% | 90% |
Leo woman | 56% | 59% | 64% | 59% | 62% | 60% |
Virgo woman | 70% | 75% | 72% | 69% | 69% | 71% |
Libra woman | 40% | 45% | 55% | 48% | 52% | 48% |
Scorpio woman | 84% | 83% | 65% | 85% | 78% | 79% |
Sagittarius woman | 69% | 72% | 86% | 55% | 63% | 69% |
Capricorn woman | 81% | 82% | 77% | 84% | 76% | 80% |
Aquarius woman | 68% | 88% | 78% | 75% | 81% | 78% |
Pisces woman | 98% | 97% | 92% | 96% | 97% | 96% |
Scorpio woman compatibility
Scorpio woman compatibility holds that Scorpio women are, inflexible and loving. They have a strong determination to do anything they wish to do. In a love relationship, she wants to dominate his love partner and want to enjoy her relationship.
Scorpio woman could have a strong relationship with an Aries man, however, because both the signs want to dominate each other in common life that’s why their pair is not a good one. One of their best matches is a Taurus man because both have the same emotional attitude and both are always loyal to their love relationship. A couple of a Scorpio woman with a Gemini man is not a good couple, because the Gemini wants the development of living conditions, and the Scorpio woman is more concerned with life.

A Scorpio woman would have a good relationship with a Cancer man because the Scorpio woman wants the safety and the secure nature of a Cancer man would be really helpful in making this relationship strong. They could not get good along with Leo man because the covetous and selfish nature of Scorpio is not acceptable in the life of Leo man. A Scorpio woman is not the best match for a Virgo man, they have different general life needs, but, anyway, they can create a good family.
Scorpio woman compatibility shows that they would not have a good relationship with Libra man because of the careless nature of Libra man and jealous nature of Scorpio woman. They could get good along with Scorpio man however sometimes the possessiveness and jealousy from both sides may cause problems. Scorpio women prefer to have a calm and cool life however Sagittarius man loves freedom.
Scorpio woman would have an excellent relationship with a Capricorn man because Capricorn has the ability to put up with the dominating nature of Scorpio woman. Although Scorpio woman has a dominating nature however she would not be able to grasp over Sagittarius man. She is not compatible with an Aquarius man because she is more than an Aquarius man, but if they solve this little nuance and there is a balance in their relationship, they can be a good couple. An Aquarius man loves gathering however a Scorpio woman hates it badly. Scorpio woman compatibility holds that the attractive personality of Pisces man would be really imaginary for Scorpio woman and both would have a wonderful relationship. This is the best match for this woman!
Scorpio woman compatibility with other signs
Scorpio woman compatibility chart
The Scorpio woman compatibility chart shows all the possible compatibility of this woman with other male zodiac signs. Check it out and find out your best and worst matches quickly.
Scorpio woman compatibility chart | Love | Friendship | Interests | Communication | Intellect | Overall |
Aries man | 50% | 50% | 44% | 56% | 50% | 50% |
Taurus man | 95% | 92% | 93% | 93% | 92% | 93% |
Gemini man | 70% | 80% | 66% | 70% | 72% | 72% |
Cancer man | 90% | 91% | 89% | 90% | 89% | 90% |
Leo man | 55% | 51% | 61% | 47% | 61% | 55% |
Virgo man | 90% | 82% | 85% | 83% | 85% | 85% |
Libra man | 35% | 40% | 44% | 41% | 40% | 40% |
Scorpio man | 84% | 83% | 65% | 85% | 78% | 79% |
Sagittarius man | 74% | 88% | 86% | 87% | 85% | 84% |
Capricorn man | 93% | 91% | 93% | 91% | 92% | 92% |
Aquarius man | 91% | 89% | 87% | 88% | 85% | 88% |
Pisces man | 95% | 92% | 92% | 94% | 92% | 93% |
Scorpio and Aries

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Aries is 50%.
Compatibility for Aries and Scorpio suggests that if this pair wants to have a lot of love and a long-term relationship then they should have the potential to give a lot of love without considering what you are getting. Aries people are intolerant however Scorpions tend to be cool. Since the Aries people think that they are the best, so for a successful relationship, a Scorpion should keep telling the Aries that he is the best.
Aries people don’t pay attention to the details of the matter; they are just concerned with the outer surface however Scorpio wants to go into the depth of everything. Compatibility for Aries and Scorpio holds that Scorpio people are very committed to their relationship, business, and every other thing. This would make the Aries feel secure and safe in a relationship with a Scorpio. Another plus of this relationship is that Scorpio has deeper and more complex feelings compared to Aries, so Scorpio has the ability to please Aries very easily.
Scorpio and Taurus

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Taurus is 91%.
This pair could have a good long-term relationship. A short-term relationship between them would also be exciting for both of them due to their ability to please each other. The obstinate nature of both of them would make them reliable for a long-term relationship. It sounds a little strange, but somehow one of them will be able to cooperate in case of any conflict.
Compatibility for Scorpio and Taurus tells that the reliability of this relationship is better because both of them share the same attitude about everything in life such as they tend to get into the details of every matter before making any final interpretation or decision about their life or future, no one would do anything hastily.
This pair would be one of the best perfect matches because of the strong attraction between both of them. Attraction is not enough for a successful relationship, they both need to help each other to have a pleasant life.
Scorpio and Gemini

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Gemini is 69%.
They are not compatible with each other because they have diverse personality traits. The Scorpio person wants their love partner to love them by heart however the Gemini people don’t take their relationship so intensely that’s why the Scorpio person would get tired of this relationship soon. The frolicsome nature of the Gemini person is also not acceptable for the Scorpio person.
Gemini people are sometimes casual about their duties, however, on the other hand, the Scorpio person is very caring, and this reckless nature of the Gemini person is not very good for their relationship. Scorpio people are very demanding, and Gemini does not have the opportunity to satisfy the requirements of a Scorpio person, which makes them incompatible with each other.
Scorpio and Cancer

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Cancer is 90%.
Compatibility for Scorpio and Cancer tells that the eagerness of the Scorpio person for their love relationship would be very eye-catching for a Cancer person. This relationship would be so intense that it is not possible for anyone to measure its depth. It would be very easy for the Cancer person to cope with the jealous nature of the Scorpio person because of their dedication toward their love relationship.
An interesting thing to note in this relationship is that the Scorpio person who is very possessive about his love partner would have no problem accepting the possessive nature of the Cancer person. This acceptance of the possessiveness of the Scorpio by the Cancer would make the Scorpio feel secure. The sensible and sensitive nature of both would be attractive to both of them.
Scorpio and Leo

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Leo is 57%.
The compatibility of Scorpio and Leo suggests that this couple is not a good couple. They do not understand each other, and this is a serious reason for conflicts. Another incompatibility in this relationship is the dominant nature of both because they will always fight over the leadership in their relationship, which will eventually lead to a breakup.
The personality of Scorpio will be very attractive to Leo, just as Leo is no less attractive to Scorpio. This is the reason that both of them are attracted to each other very quickly, however, this attraction does not last long. The compatibility of Scorpio and Leo suggests that their behavior looks into the depths of every issue, and they tend to make the right decisions in their lives. They should avoid this type of relationship because they are incompatible.
Scorpio and Virgo

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Virgo is 78%.
Scorpio and Virgo are compatible with each other and the likelihood of a long-term relationship is high. The Virgo tends to be very cooperative in their relationship, so the chance of a breakup is very low because basically, the Virgo will be able to resolve the dispute between them. It would be quite easy for both of them to fulfill the general life demands of their love partner, which makes their relationship stronger and more satisfying for both of them.
Both love partners must always be true to their relationship, otherwise, one mistake on either side will lead to a breakup, because no one will be ready to live with an unfaithful love partner.
If this couple works in cooperation, then the results of their efforts are very amazing, which means that if both work towards common goals, then it will be very fruitful for a long-term and successful relationship. They are both very responsible for their love relationship which makes them safe for each other and they would both be very happy because of this sense of responsibility on both sides.
Scorpio and Libra

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Libra is 44%.
According to the compatibility for Scorpio and Libra, this pair is not best compatible with each other because of the diverse attributes of their personality. They too have different opinions about their relationship with their love partner because they have different requirements, so it would not be possible for both of them to satisfy each other.
The cool nature of the Libra toward its love relationship would make a Scorpio feel uncomfortable because Scorpio wants to see the enthusiasm in their relationship. Libra doesn’t want too much gathering around them however sometimes the Scorpio wants to have fun with friends, so this may be sore for the Libra person. Their temper also differs from each other because the Scorpio tends to be short-tempered however the Libra is cool and calm.
Scorpio and Scorpio

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Scorpio is 79%.
The compatibility between Scorpio and Scorpio tells that they are a good match because they share the same characteristics. Their relationship will be very strong because of the strength of their zeal. This will greatly contribute to a pleasant love relationship. Since both of them want to be loyal to their love partner, both would feel secure in this relationship which would let their relationship last for a long time.
Both are of domineering nature, so they would not bear any involvement from outsiders in their personal relationship. Sometimes the jealous nature of a Scorpio can cause problems in their love relationships because they won’t even tolerate having their love partner’s friends get in the way of their personal lives.
In the earlier stages, this relationship is not as strong as it could be after some time, because over time, both love partners will be able to understand the attitude of their love partner, which will make their relationship more intense. As the relationship gets older, it becomes stable, which is beneficial for both love partners.
Scorpio and Sagittarius

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Sagittarius is 76%.
Compatibility for Scorpio and Sagittarius holds that the inflexible nature of the Scorpio person would also be dangerous for this relationship. Sagittarius is very social and loves to get together however this is not very pleasant for the Scorpio, that’s why this would also be a conflict in this relationship.
Sagittarius is not very committed to his duties, however, Scorpio is very committed to his duties and relationships. Sagittarius simply relies on the quantity of his work, regardless of its quality, however, on the other hand, Scorpio wants to do everything with quality, which distinguishes him from Sagittarius, and because of this difference, Scorpio can be annoyed.
Scorpio and Capricorn

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Capricorn is 86%.
Scorpio and Capricorn can get good along with each other. This pair shares the same attitude towards the bedroom and out-of-bedroom life which makes them compatible with each other.
Both of them have the ability to understand the needs of each other relationship that’s why it would be unproblematic for both of them to understand the desire of their lover and would be able to fulfill those requirements. Their stormy relationship will be very useful for a stronger and long-lasting relationship.
The trait of jealousy will be very harmful to this relationship, so both of them need to avoid it, especially Scorpio must take care of it, otherwise, they will lose their love partner. Both love partners are very open and bold, so they will have no problem sharing their desires with their love partners. This relationship will become stronger over time because over time both will continue to understand their love partner and will be able to distinguish between likes and dislikes, so over time, this relationship will become stronger.
Scorpio and Aquarius

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Aquarius is 83%.
They are well compatible with each other. This couple can get good along with each other when they both work together to achieve something. Furthermore, this pair is strongly attracted to each other because of the great attraction in their personality for their love partner.
Compatibility for Scorpio and Aquarius states that because of strong emotions and desire from both sides this relationship would have an enthralling relationship which would make their bedroom life very pleasant. There are also a few conflicts in this relationship like the overwhelming and possessive nature of the Scorpio person is not tolerable for the Aquarius person. If the Scorpio person is not ready to avoid this nature then the relationship could fade away.
Another conflict is the over-sensitive nature of the Scorpio person, because of this nature sometimes Scorpio people get upset easily which is not in the favor of this relationship.
Scorpio and Pisces

The percentage of compatibility between Scorpio and Pisces is 94%.
Compatibility for Scorpio and Pisces tells that the thoughtful aptitude of the Scorpio about every aspect of life makes them compatible with Pisces. Sometimes the secretive nature of the Scorpio person may cause problems in this relationship. The nature of Pisces with his love partner will make Scorpio feel comfortable in their love relationship.
Pisces are able to resist the incomprehensible nature of Scorpio. Pisces would have the potential to forgive Scorpio’s mistakes. Furthermore, the attractive personalities of both people will make them great for each other and both will love each other.
Now it’s time to draw some conclusions. Scorpio people are temperate, considerate, and munificent and at the same time, they could be rigid and vindictive in different circumstances. Scorpio compatibility illustrates that these people don’t like to harm someone and they wish to be reverential in society. These people always try to give value to their love partner and friends but want the same thing in return.
These people happened to be susceptible and they could easily be hurt just by a minor mishap. They don’t forget the bad events in their life and always keep them in mind and this is the reason that these people don’t exonerate the mistakes of others easily. Moreover, Scorpio compatibility explains that these people are very diligent and have the appetite to reach their targets by struggling hard and hard. Once they engage in work then they would not take rest until the completion of their work and until they don’t get the desired results.
Scorpios have strong emotional feelings, so they want to have a very pleasant life. If a Scorpio is not satisfied with the relationship, it will be a disaster in their lives. In addition, they always want to have a faithful love partner and prefer to have a long-term relationship. Scorpios are commanding and valiant.