In this article, we will talk about the connection between Saturn and Zodiac. Saturn seems to have rather a bad reputation. It could be because the qualities of patience, perseverance, tenacity, self-control, wisdom, lucidity, endurance, resignation, even fatalism which are usually attributed to Saturn, do not correspond to the needs of the modern men and women who are always in a hurry and eager to create their own reality, without taking the time to understand, to reflect, and most of all, to be receptive and attentive to the world as it is, and not as they would like it to be.
Saturn takes its time. This planet moves slowly inside the zodiac, taking just under 30 years to go around it. In other words, during the course of a lifetime, it will only circle the zodiac three times. During that time, let us say 90 years, the Moon will go round the zodiac more than 1100 times and the Sun, 90 times! We can understand why the astrologer priests of ancient times looked upon Saturn as the planet of maturity.

Saturn in the birth chart
Saturn in Aries: this is not a very successful combination. The Arian energy and drive that is present are held back by the pace of the Saturn influence.
Saturn in Taurus: the subject with this placing will be patient, careful and determined.
Saturn in Gemini: this is a positive and interesting placing as the influence of Saturn steadies the natural Gemini restlessness and allows full rein to the Geminian powers of intelligence and communication.
Saturn in Cancer: this aspect can emphasise some of the negative traits of Cancer such as shyness, inhibition and a tendency to worry but, on the other hand, a subject with this placing will be a good homemaker who is careful with finances and planning.
Saturn in Leo: the influence of Saturn subdues some of the natural Leo fire in this placing but it also can enhance the loyal nature, organisation of this subject.
Saturn in Virgo: an individual with this placing will be hard-working, self-motivated and dedicated. They can be rather modest and shy and should work at boosting their self-confidence.
Saturn in Libra: this is a good placing as the maturity of Saturn enhances the Libran traits of fair play, balance and common sense. This person will be kind and sympathetic and will always have time for others.
Saturn in Scorpio: the intense obsessive traits of Scorpio can be magnified but also balanced by this placing. This subject often has an excellent head for business and a highly developed sense of purpose.
Saturn in Sagittarius: the person with this placing is not afraid of challenges and will take any opportunity to speak their mind. They will have excellent powers of reasoning.
Saturn in Capricorn: Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn so this is always a strong placing. Look for determination, a highly developed sense of duty and a strong work ethic.
Saturn in Aquarius: this again is a strong placing that emphasises the strength and unconventionality which comes from Aquarians. This can conflict with the authoritarian Saturn influence and the individual may have to resolve this paradox before they can go forward.
Saturn in Pisces: this individual will often be very imaginative and an outlet for this is important because the Saturn influence can lead to shyness, lack of confidence and even depression.
Astrological facts about Saturn
The planet of maturing and maturity, of reason, of lucidity, and of logical thinking, Saturn’s influence makes an individual stable, careful, far-sighted, determined, patient and tenacious. ‘Expand’ said Jupiter. ‘Concentrate’ says Saturn. If an individual’s only aim was fulfilment, he would have no wight, no substance.
Saturn reveals the limits that are set by the strength of the soul, and moral power, a sense of duty, intellectual strictness and the ability to refuse suffering and victimisation by oneself, others and circumstances. A linking for order and method, a rational, calculating and analytic mind, coupled with objective cold, precise judgement and a preference for certainties, are all related to Saturn. Saturn influences the bones, teeth, cartilage, spleen and bladder.
Saturn – Astronomical facts
The sixth planet of the solar system, situated approximately 1 billion 500 million kilometres from the Sun, Saturn has the special feature of being surrounded by a large system of rings. A day on Saturn equals about ten and a half hours of our terrestrial time and it takes 29 years and 167 days for the planet to circle the Sun. Saturn’s atmosphere is thick, as it is made up essentially of hydrogen and helium. Saturn surface temperature is about minus 180 degrees
Saturn and Zodiac
Saturn’s day dignity is in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. its night dignity is in the sign of Aquarius. It is the ruling planet of both signs. Saturn has its exaltation in the sign of Libra, its detriment in the zodiac of Cancer and Leo, its fall in the sign of Aries. Its daily pace is several seconds and its zodiacal revolution lasts approximately 29 and a half years.