The Sagittarius man and Pisces woman compatibility rate is not so high. The representative of the element of fire, which is Sagittarius, doesn’t look too good with the representative of the water element – Pisces. We know that the water can extinguish the fire, and the fire can steam the water. So what will happen next? Here comes the love, and their marriage, their joint life, and children in happy colors become possible.
The Sagittarius man and Pisces woman compatibility can develop differently. This mostly depends on how full their inner world is, and how much self-satisfied people there are in those relationships. As mature they are, as higher the rate of their compatibility is. Besides that, the common outlook for life, and the depth of their feelings also matter. There is no love or marriage without love, otherwise, their marriage will last less than one week. The relationships of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman can’t be called usual, but they have chances to “survive”.

The representatives of the fire and water elements find in each other traits that they don’t have, that is why they complement each other, and their compatibility is quite possible. No matter how long their connection will last; undoubtedly, it will have its place in their hearts always, and will be one of the brightest pages in their lives.
The man, who was born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, is distinguished by his energy and the love of life, and the Pisces woman is a dreamer, and also has a closed personality. Her ideal is a strong and responsible partner, who will take care of herself and always support her, and it relates to financial support as well. But at first, the talk is about the moral aspect, without which for the Pisces woman there is no talk about happy compatibility.
For the Sagittarius man, it is very important that his potential partner will be cheerful, active, energetic, and positive, and open to the world, just like him. To be honest, both woman and man, born under these zodiacal constellations, may not fully meet the criteria of the other. But their connection can be a happy one, if the Pisces and Sagittarius won’t criticize one another, and can be more patient. Besides that, in the Sagittarius man and Pisces woman compatibility, there is a physical attraction, which in its turn increases the rate of their compatibility.
In the Sagittarius man and Pisces woman compatibility, there is mutual respect, which is the main advantage of this unity. The partner protects the vulnerable heart of Pisces woman and does everything to make her happy. He has such a good attitude toward this woman and never lets his nerves affect this woman. Usually, this man has conflicts and quarrels with other due to his fiery nature, but next to this woman everything changes. This helps the Sagittarius man to surround himself with interesting people and to make the quality of his life better.
In the relationship of love and marriage with the Pisces woman, the Sagittarius man becomes richer not only in the spiritual plane but also learns to the economy and spend the money wisely. The Pisces woman sees in the face of Sagittarius man a protector, and next to him she feels herself like behind a wall.
So the initial rate of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman compatibility is 78%, but as we understood, they have all chances to increase it.