The Sun enters the constellation of the Sagittarius sign on the 23rd of November and stays there until the 22nd of December. The Sagittarius is the ninth sign in the zodiacal circle. The ruling planet for this sign is Jupiter, which is distinguished as a male planet. The Sagittarius, same as the Aries and Leo, lives in the element of the Fire, which cannot be unnoticed by the representatives of this star sign. The Sagittarius female characteristics firstly are described with their cheerful, communicative, and extra active traits, which give the Sagittarius woman the ability to move mountains for reaching the goals she set previously.
The other Sagittarius female characteristics are her impulsiveness and her amorous nature. At the same time, these women are loyal wives and perfect mothers, who remain indifferent to the household for their lifetime. The favorable stone talismans for the Sagittarius woman are the garnet and amethyst, also topaz, chrysolite, turquoise. Also, one important thing about this part – they have not to use accessories with agate, pearls, and cat’s eye. The favorable colors for the female representatives of the Scorpio sign are the colors in the blue gamut, and also the shades of purple.

From childhood, the Sagittarius girls are distinguished with their practically ideal behavior. They are inquisitive, easily make friends, are sensitive to parents. In the teenage years, the representatives of the Sagittarius sign overcome easily; they put goals for themselves and then reach them not wanting to waste time on pranks.
The mature woman of this star sign is an effective temptress, a lovely adventuress, who loves to be in the center of attention. She doesn’t know how to hide her emotions, and this is the basis of the Sagittarius female characteristics. She can cry without hesitation, and when she laughs, infects with her fun to everyone surrounding her. The extra emotionality of the Sagittarius woman can seem like a game to others, but this is not a game, as all their feelings come from the heart.
Practically it is an impossible situation for the Sagittarius woman to get discouraged. This woman is as much smart for always knowing what to do and how to do it. She hates critics, as she thinks that her life is not a business of others, and every attempt for something is already a big thing, as the first step is done.
The Sagittarius zodiac sign ruled by Jupiter is connected with society. Even if they don’t care what others may think, they try to make a positive impression firstly for themselves, then for the others as well. They love to rule and rarely go for compromises (even with themselves). They are loyal both as a wife and friend and are sensitive to both their parents and children. They are deeply creative, generously flavored with a penchant for self-knowledge and development and inexhaustible optimism. The Sagittarius female characteristics never have in themselves tiredness and a word “no”, “impossible”, and other words like that. No one can understand how she does several things, and how she succeeds to be in several places at the same time. No? But it seemed like that.