The person born in the year of the Rabbit is not going to set the world on fire. They are cautious, sensible, reserved, and thoughtful. They like to live peacefully in comfortable surroundings and safeguard their tranquillity. Talking about the Rabbit Chinese zodiac personality, we should mention that Rabbit is extremely refined and therefore, appreciates things that are rare, beautiful, and good. They have expensive tastes, but sometimes lack the courage, daring, or the will to get what they need to satisfy their cravings or desires. They are not equipped to do battle and loathe power struggles.
However, the Rabbit Chinese zodiac sign compensates for their lack of ambition and aggressive drive by developing a shrewd, discerning, cunning mind, which makes them very skilled in obtaining what they want, peaceably and without putting in more effort than is needed. A mix of clear-headedness and receptiveness towards others often enables the Rabbit to guess the intentions and true motivations of those to whom they are speaking. They pay great attention to other people’s worries, readily sympathize but rarely take a stand.

People trust the Rabbit Chinese zodiac sign all the more because they display a certain calmness, and seem to be very philosophical, reassuring, and full of charm. However, the Rabbit person’s apparent sociability hides great timidity which is itself the expression of an equally great inner pride, of a natural tendency to take a detached view of others, and of a rather selfish character, which leads them to live on the defensive. Rabbit people are more easily influenced and more emotional than they would let you see.
The Rabbit loves their family, clan, home, and private life, which give them a feeling of security and about which they always remain very discreet. professional success, in their eyes, is only of interest if it can offer them the means to have a more comfortable life. On the other hand, they do not lack a certain amount of business sense and always know how to profit from good opportunities which present themselves. The Rabbit knows, too, how to blow hot and cold, to preach falsehood in order to know the truth – in short, to maneuver skillfully to achieve their ends.
The Rabbit Chinese zodiac sign is compatible with the Boar(Pig) and Dragon. The Rabbit can make a nice family with Boar and Goat(Sheep). Talking about Rabbit compatibility, we should mention that Rabbit is incompatible with the Rat. Also, the Horse and Tiger do not suit them as well.
In love there is nothing hot-blooded about the Rabbit person’s temperament and, therefore, they are not unstable and fickle. The Rabbit is tender, sensitive, romantic and, if one may be so bold, faithful right to the tips of their paws. For in their love life as in their social life, they look for neither adventure nor passion. If the Rabbit finds a partner who knows how to love who is sensitive to their gentleness, their sensual refinement, their taste for romance, luxury, and sensual delight, who respects their long periods of silence, a partner who, like them, longs for peace and harmony, then the journey which they will start together will last a long time.
Chinese myths and symbols of the Rabbit
Hare or rabbit? (The French call it the Harem the English refer to it more often as the Rabbit). Can we find a difference between the two? There is a fundamental one, which is purely astrological: there is a constellation (the Chinese say ‘heavenly field’) of the Hare, in the southern hemisphere, beneath Orion and to the right of Canis Major, but not of the rabbit. Now the Chinese, of course, like the Mesopotamians, formed their zodiac from the constellation.
Furthermore, the hare can be distinguished from the rabbit by its long ears, its hind legs, which are higher up and more powerful, its thicker coat, and the fact that it lodges on the surface, whereas the rabbit lives communally in burrows. The first seems more handsome and more independent than the second but the rabbit still has its charms and significance.
For the Chinese, as indeed for all the Orientals and Westerners, the hare is a nocturnal animal. According to them, a jade hare lives in the Moon, grinding up the ingredients of the elixir of immortality in a bowl. A popular, traditional Chinese illustration of the festival of the Moon shows children dancing in a circle around a man with the head of a hare. It is customary to give this picture whilst expressing one’s wishes for prosperity and wealth for the family to whom you are giving it.
According to legend, it is a hare that was sacrificed and thrown into the fire to feed the starving Buddha. Buddha is often portrayed like this, renouncing the world ad throwing himself into the fire in the guise of a hare. So the Rabbit is one of the most beneficial symbols for the Chinese who, furthermore, attribute it with qualities of clear-ess and perceptiveness.
The Rabbit Chinese Zodiac characteristics
- The Rabbit Chinese name: Du (pronounced doo)
- The Rabbit Polarity: Yin
- The Rabbit Element: Wood
- The Rabbit Season: Spring
- The Rabbit Month: March
Ql or periods of the year in the Chinese calendar:
- Chun Fen (the fourth period) from 21 March to 4 April
- Da Xue (the 21st period) from 6 to 22 December
The Rabbit astrological affinities
The Rabbit Chinese zodiac sign is often compared to the sign of Pisces in our zodiac. However, because the month of March covers the last two decans of the sign of Pisces and the first decan of the sign of Aries, it shows many similarities with a combination of these two signs, their ruling planets (Jupiter and Neptune for Pisces and Mars for Aries), and also with these three decans of the Western zodiac and their ruling planets: Jupiter, Mars, and Pluto.
Luck of Rabbit Chinese Zodiac
- Lucky Flower: Rabbit flowers, Hosta flowers, textured grass
- Lucky Number: 3,4,9 Your
- Inauspicious Number: 1,7,8
- Lucky color: Red, pink, purple, blue
- Inauspicious Color: dark brown, dark yellow and white
- Lucky direction: East, Southeast, and Southern