Pisces Sun Libra Moon Gemini Rising
The combination of the Pisces sun, Libra moon, and Gemini rising gives wisdom, patience, imagination, and energy for any work. This combination is considered to be a gift, but it also has negative sides. Let’s find out the pros and cons of this combination.
If at the moment when you were born into this world the Sun was in Pisces, then the universe has already rewarded you with great wisdom. The house that guides you creates a desire for secrets, for everything uncontrollable in the world, for everything that is prohibited by law.
In addition, he shows the kind of experience that is associated with institutions and with the field of transition to public questions. These people are closely connected with a past fate in a previous life. This combination gives the desire for “modification and rebirth”, so many events and situations from a past life can be repeated in this life. And most importantly, sometimes you feel that you have already been through it.

This can lead you to such restrictions that you can end up in a hospital bed, you may become overly anxious and need the care to restore your health.
If at the moment of your birth the Moon was in the Libra, then you will be patient, and able to adapt to any situation, you can even create imaginary images, and you will have a creative gift in the field of performing arts. On the other hand, the Moon makes you a diplomat, in any difficult situation you can present the solution to the problem in the simplest way.
The moon gives you great charm. However, you have drawbacks along with your bright qualities: you quickly change your decisions, especially in new cases, and often hesitate. You have an inner drive to present yourself with specific manners when making decisions.
If at the time of your birth the sun is in Pisces, the moon is in Libra and the rising sign is Gemini, then you have excellent taste and a sense of justice. You can experience a tremendous internal struggle if justice is violated in your environment.
Now let’s check what the ascendant in Gemini gives. You invest strength and energy in any work, then you worry and get upset that everything is not as it should be and the result is delayed. You are extremely mobile, and your good mood and interest are quickly restored. You are always busy and love everything that can strike the mind. You also tend to be cold. Even towards the people you love, you are cold on the outside but warmer on the inside.
By the way, you can find out your ascendant sign in this article – How to Find Out Your Rising Sign.
You are selfish, even convinced that you know everything better than others. You enjoy facing difficult situations and people. You like to change your place of residence and often marry more than once. You know how to simplify the situation, you have a smile and eyes full of humor. You will retain youth even in old age.
Mercury gives high thinking, sharp understanding, intelligence, dexterity in speech and writing, and a penchant for foreign languages. You are also characterized by arrogance, caustic sarcasm, stubbornness, cynicism, and disorganization.