The Ascendant is the highest point of the first house of the natal chart, and this shows the energy that a person transmits to the world around him and accumulates during his life with the support of the Sun and the Moon. The ascendant in the Pisces rising sign in the first home of the natal chart endows a man with unbelievable sensitivity, romance, and fantasy. For the consciousness, it is hard to combine two lives – in the dream and in reality, so this is the reason why this native usually suffers from the collapse of illusions but also is not able to take off rose-colored glasses.
This undetermined and shy dreamer is able to embody plans in life, provided the strong position of the Sun and Mars, but sometimes he needs a punchy and practical partner, who is interested in promoting the creativity of a subtle and vulnerable soul.

People with the Pisces rising sign are disinterested and sacrificial, they will always help anyone in need, and will support them in their bad days, even if it is their biggest enemy. They feed homeless animals and write poems about how unfair this world is. When Neptune is struck, they are painfully shy, avoid noisy companies and wear the mask of a victim, not neglecting energy vampirism.
This can seem as a paradox, but these people, who have a heavenly beauty, rarely are remembered. Staying most of the time in the dream world, they become partly invisible. Two-three meetings are necessary for them to reveal the facets of their soul, shining with iridescent tints, and dared to charm the interlocutor.
The typology of ascending Pisces is extensive and mostly depends on the level of spiritual development: from the sublime creator to alcoholic with narcotic addictions. At every level of consciousness, they are afraid of competition and avoid roles of chiefs preferring to do easy jobs without being distracted from fantasies.
The people with the Pisces rising sign have some common things in their appearance and behaviors:
- a square type of figure, a tendency to be overweight or puffy, which requires dietary adjustments;
- huge mesmerizing eyes of light shades, slightly protruding;
- deep, warm and sensual look, quiet melodic voice;
- pale complexion, plump lips and cheeks;
- wavy hair (women prefer long, loose curls);
- the ability to transform into a variety of images with the help of cosmetics and stage makeup;
- these natives prefer unusual clothes of their own design and tailoring in order to be different from others;
- compassion, cordiality, softness and constant self-doubt.
The specialty of the representatives of the Pisces rising sign is to look and behave different depending on the situation. This native is interested in mystics and occult, and this way he tries to solve his problems in a magical way.
As the Pisces zodiac sign is the last one on the zodiacal circle, these representatives combine in themselves some characteristic traits from the remaining 11 signs. This is the reason why these people are very talented: even from a young age they dance, write stories, draw, play in the hall, etc. In the professional sphere, they always succeed, as try to do their bests for the best result, and under this trait hides their responsibility.