The Sun enters the constellation of Pisces sign on the 21st of February and stays there until the 20th of march. The ruling planets for this star sign are Jupiter and Neptune. From the affection of Jupiter, the representatives of this sign got generosity, the ability to get happy from little things, and creative potential. Neptune gave the Pisces male characteristics a mysterious attractiveness, intuition, rich fantasy, inclination to philosophical thoughts, and strive for beauty.
The element of the Pisces zodiac sign is the Water, which makes the Pisces male characteristics penetrating, emotional, responsive, flexible, and quirky in the turbulent currents of life.

The Pisces is a contradictory sign. Find a middle ground and get to harmony between inner and outer world Pisces man can with the help of stone talismans. The representatives of this sign, born from the 21st of February, until the 1st of March, can find support in amethyst, success in the tiger’s eye, and protection – in blood jasper. Pisces men, burn from the 2nd of March, until the 11th, will be able to draw inspiration in opal, reinforce relationships with the help of pearls, and travel accompanied by coral. When the date of birth of the Pisces man falls in a period of 12th of March, until the 20th, to overcome fears will help tourmaline, get over depression – aquamarine, and to enhance intuition – alexandrite.
As well as talismans for the representatives of the Pisces constellations can be numbers (6, 11, also, magical 3, 7, 9, 12, and all numbers that can be divided by 7), and colors (blue, purple, the color of sea waves, and steel).
To the man born under the sign of Pisces, we can call him a lover of fortune. Maybe, that is why in the Pisces male characteristics we cannot find ambitions; he just does with the flow and gets enough from less. He believes that sometimes the less is more, and the universe agrees with him. They are subtle, kindhearted people that are not inclined to conflicts. You can always share your pains with them and believe in their understanding and participation. The Pisces man sometimes can float in the clouds, which sometimes annoys others. But who cares? Let them be with their thoughts, and with their imaginary world.
The Pisces men are the most tied, loyal, and spiritual people. As like a little kitten, they go to the hands by themselves, letting others scratch behind their ears. Bot the most advantageous thing is that they can be those hands themselves, where everyone is looking for shelter, help, and support.
The Pisces men are able to feel others’ pain as well, to listen to others over and over again. Don’t expect them to rush to wipe your tears first, be they always find the correct words of support and consolation, they will help you with money in situations of crisis, and will advise the right people, who can solve the problems.
The Pisces is good-natured; they will never start to do anything, following to their personal benefit. Among the representatives of this sign, you can meet benefactors, patrons, and volunteers very often. As the last sign in the whole zodiacal circle, Pisces combine in themselves traits from all signs, that is why in the Pisces male characteristics you can always find something new, and this talks about the extra mystery they are themselves.